View Full Version : Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female

22nd February 2015, 03:32 AM
Make of it what you will:


22nd February 2015, 04:55 AM
Well. I'd say he met an aspect of Spirit that comforted him. My subjective belief is that Spirit encompasses all that is, and may choose to meet us where we are, representing itself rarely how we expect, but instead with a presentation that enigmatically catalyzes growth if someone is ready.

22nd February 2015, 05:02 AM
I don't even see that there IS a difference between spirit and not-spirit. The Divine is everywhere, everything, all the time. Stuff we judge as bad, stuff we judge as good, male, female, transgender, non-gender, living, inanimate, all of it. It's all Divine.

I don't doubt for even a moment that this elderly priest's experience of God-as-Feminine is anything other than true. But I don't believe that God is ONLY this or ONLY that or ONLY the other. And, much to the dismay of the reigning patriarchy, the Bible describes God in feminine terms, including as a mother figure, particularly the Old Testament. ;)

22nd February 2015, 06:02 AM
Absolutely. All is created. Too - Catholicism has a rich tradition of worshipping Mary, Mother of God. Kaballah understands the Creative relationship between feminine and masculine form and force. Hebrew names of God are in masculine and feminine... so on and so forth. So much of Christianity limits itself and splinters off the feminine aspect of Spirit to its own detriment.

22nd February 2015, 06:17 PM
Funny story.. since the man had a nde ne could have meet any entity which was greater then him and thought this is god. He probably saw what he should see.. for sure we cannot put "god" so easily jn a category like man women good bad..

22nd February 2015, 07:37 PM
I seem to remember reading in one of Kurts books or if not his then robert munroe, how he was told that to make the shock of dying less traumatic for the person the spirit side would take on the role of what that person would expect to find. We know spirits can take on any form but the love they give out I suppose can not be made up.
So an elderly Catholic priest who has probably done so much good in his role in life as a priest I would think would expect to be met by God. Certainly he was met by a spirit who emanated love.
My own thoughts on this is that the spirit side knew he would be returning to physical and possibly this was his higher self wanting to be there for him at this time ( whichever gender it wished to show its self)
Now this is where the twist comes in. Was the image deliberate. To put the cat amongst the pigeons. Give the Catholic church something to think about instead of being so rigid in its beliefs.
Just my thoughts simply because I don't think of God as a person. I'm not religious so see God as a power that is everywhere and something that our physical brains can not comprehend, but still something we are encouraged to look for and get closer to.
Just my thoughts.

Realy quite funny. Love to see them all in the Vatican wondering how to handle this.

23rd February 2015, 02:12 PM
Interesting posts, so much right.