View Full Version : A curious phenomenon

25th February 2015, 07:20 PM
Every so often, I will find myself in a sort of spontaneous trance, during which time I will receive what seems to be communication from my higher-self/the other side.

To give an example, during one such instance I woke up in the morning and picked up my phone. For some reason, I looked up a picture of my uncle. Later that morning, it came to my attention that he was throwing a graduation party for his son. My family was pensive about going, but I suggested that we go.

Yesterday, I was putting on my coat and preparing to go to the grocery store, when I focused in on a picture of my deceased father. I walked up to the picture and looked at it for about 30 seconds. Later on in the morning, my mother commented that it was my father's birthday.

Is this a higher-self phenomenon? Or possibly some form of subtle communication from the other side? It certainly brings a smile to my face.

Another interesting thing I've noticed is that every once in a while (quite uncommon), I'll notice that people seem to get overshadowed by something. Like, one time I woke up in the middle of the night with a strong feeling that I needed to stop listening to a certain type of music with one of my friends.

The next day I got lunch with this friend, mindful to dismiss his references to said music, maybe suggesting something else as an alternative. At one point during this lunch, his eyes seemed very bright, almost angelic, and his face seemed to glow. It literally looked like something came over him, but it was mainly in the eyes. I had to do a little double take. He seemed unaware of it, continuing on with the conversation without a hitch.

This has happened a couple times before, usually during significant moments. What would you say is happening in these instances, Robert? It's quite a remarkable phenomenon

Robert Bruce
8th March 2015, 07:05 AM
These things, synchronicity and coincidence and psychic knowing and connection, flow from your higher self, and through the shamanistic nature of reality where all things are connected.

This can also be said to be related to clairvoyance / remote viewing and the 'gestalt effect'

This is a good sign.

peace, robert