View Full Version : No perspective shift

27th February 2015, 09:20 PM
Hi Gang,

Just commenting about a little experiment I did.

Many times I can separate and become "2". I can walk around outside of myself and see though which set of eyes I chose. When I do this, the one who is sitting sees from the chair. The other sees as he walks around and his view moves with him.

Today I walked to the edge of a field. I separated into two. One stood on the left and one on the right. I was playing around by switching views; seeing out of which body's eyes I chose. I was also switching consciousness between the two and played around wondering who was who, left or right. At times it was tricky because I was purposely trying to mix myself up.

I noticed a piece of paper lying in the field. I figured I could measure the views perspective by the amount the paper shifted in relation to the background scenery. Well, I clearly swapped positions between the left and right bodies; but there was no shift in perspective relative to the piece of paper!!! The bodies were at least 10 feet apart and a shift would be apparent. Heck, our eyes are only a few inches apart and gives quite a large shift, hence the 3D view.

I wonder if I can use the 10 foot separation to get a gigantic #D view? If I can get the perspective shift-----