View Full Version : Base-to-crown-energy-tunnel

13th March 2015, 11:26 AM
Dear community

I just had an amazing energy expirience.
I made relaxation, deep breathing, energy body streching to warm up, full body bounce, then i worked on my energy centers. All of them responded well. I tried yesterday whit making a straigth from base to crown tunnel movement and all my ec(energy centers) respondet well. My base center was almost burning. Today i did the same just that i added a stirring movement to the tunnel. On the first rise on the brown center level i got pushed into deep trance. I guess ot was deep since i lost orientation how i was sitting on my chair. I felt like falling ot it and stop in a deep darkness almost vertikally( similar to hoe inexperience deep trance many times).
I raised this stirring tunnel another time and i got even deeper in trance with my mond beeing completly silent and all ec working on a high speed. After 3 more times i felt the tunnel conecting to the front and back vortex of the ec And stirring them simultaniously asni moved the energy tunnel up together with a deep breath. while bresthing out i led the enrgy out of my crown center back to my Feet surrounding my body.

It was amazing and my strongest ec-sensation plus trance until now.

Did someone of u experience something similar like this? Does someone of u like to try it out? What would be a possible use of it?

Ps i Really didnt know how tonsearch this so sorry if this is a common energy movement..

Wish u all the best

13th March 2015, 01:18 PM
Some time ago I did experience something like this doing what is described as the plank exercise, which uses an energetic 'plank' on the sushumna (central channel, I prob. messed up the spelling) and rotating it. Later on while going to sleep I had major energetic sensations, kundalini-like.

15th March 2015, 12:33 PM
After the exercise i felt like flying for some time and i was so happy and felt love for everybody... At night i didnt feel anythingnspecial until in a half lucid dream inwoke myself up and found myself having strong vibrations. The i felt inside the dream again waking me upnagain and had again strong vibrations.

Very strong exercise i think.

Today i used it again and was instantly in a medium to deep trance state where mg energy centers where working optimal and my body seemed far away and deep sunking in trance.