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25th March 2015, 06:32 PM
I heard Robert Bruce say that consciousness makes copies of itself so that it can evolve, which reminded me of something from my past.

A long time ago I played a starwars video game called "Knights of the old Republic" and similar games. When I would play these games I always would play as a bad guy. There was a certain satisfaction from force choking a guy I didn't like or some similar act of violence, and I always was a little repulsed by the good options to where I thought "That's stupid, why would I want to do that?"

And then one day for the sake of completion I decided to replay the game as a good guy. Through the course of the game I made sure to force myself to make all the best nice guy choices. At some point close to the end one of my crew on my ship commented that he could sense a peace in me that he never knew before and that he was happy to be following me.

After that something changed in me. I started doing more good in games and in real life and it was true. In myself I felt a peace in my heart and everything good and pure became beautiful to me and the evil things repulsive. And I started thinking of other people's feelings and point of view instead of just my own.

I just thought it was funny how my spiritual awakening happened in a video game. I wonder if any of you had a similar experience where everything changed for you.

25th March 2015, 07:47 PM

24th April 2015, 12:45 AM
I enjoyed your story. It was different then most people's as you did it by being aware of how you feel deep inside. :) I'd like to ask was this before you began any readings or was this after you had already been reading and learning a little about the deeper side to life?

I ask because when you say your awakening came through a game do you mean how you began to feel afterwards (you already began your journey and reading things "esoteric") or was this the moment when you began your whole journey through the metaphysical things?

25th April 2015, 12:28 AM
This was definitely after. I grew up in the church, so the seeds were planted already. I don't remember the exact year; I'm pretty sure it was after highschool. Although I was immature, mischievous, and downright evil sometimes, there were always things that I held sacred.

But as far as metaphysical things, I would say not really. Technically I've always believed in metaphysical stuff like spirits for example (It wouldn't make sense for me not to since I'm a Christian), but I've only really became receptive to it about 2 years ago. I started noticing coincidences like people answering my questions about something while I was looking at it but before I actually asked.

These past few months is when I really took a serious look into psychic phenomena. During that time I've received a few of what I consider to be spoilers. I've seen images in the back of my closed eyelids and I've had an astral projection. It's kind of hard to describe, but I really felt like I was being helped during that projection. Like someone took the controls and made sure it happened. I think the point of these "spoilers" was to show me that this is real and this is what it looks like.

I suppose my journey began when I was born and it always progresses in phases. Each phase ending with a tragedy/hardship, a test perhaps, to overcome in order to advance.

25th April 2015, 04:11 AM
You sound a lot like me to be honest!

In high school I began my esoteric "occult" readings and really started getting into it all but I wanted to just enjoy my high school days so I always partied and what not with my friends but I still had those few beliefs that I knew were true because I would see my thoughts come to life.

I started noticing that when I would think something and constantly worry that people would say and do stuff in regards to exactly what I was thinking. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I'm only 20 about to be 21 this summer.

I feel the same sort of way with my experiences (projections) except its more or less I feel like something is guiding and showing me what i need to see but once i get off focus then the experience fades.

It feels nice to know that when I set my mind to something it happens rather quickly. I've been wanting to connect with and make more friends over these forums and so far i feel a connection with a lot of people on here.

thanks for that man, i do appreciate you :)

25th April 2015, 05:57 AM
I just went online in these forums after not being active for maybe almost a month (?) just to reply to this tread....


There are many things that I have experienced through video games and many types of people that I have met thanks to them. Some of the best friends that I have ever had, I met them in games! Many people might feel sorry for me and all I do is simply agree with them and say, "yes yes' I don't have "real" friends yes yes you are right"...but trust me when i say....there's an ideal world in video games that a few people out there have been able to discover. I have.

Actually now that I think about it, astral traveling might have a surprising amount of similarities to video games. But I'm going to have to read more about astral traveling before I can write anything about it here or something since I don't actually know a lot.

We'll now that my 30 minutes of spiritual maturity and deep thought are over I will head back to mindlessly running over innocents in GTA WOOO !

25th April 2015, 05:02 PM
@ctcarr I'm 30 and thanks, I appreciate you too man :D

I remember people used to wonder why I played videogames so much, but they didn't understand what was happening!
Besides, I saved a lot of money too haha

27th April 2015, 02:42 AM
Every once in a while you'll come across ideas that trigger feelings that tell you "that's absolutely right" even when that idea is impossible to verify. I suppose it's like being unaware in a dream until something catches your attention and snaps you out of your unconscious stupor, giving you a greater level of compassion and awareness, as well as the knowledge/power to do greater things in the dream. If you consider being a person the dream while "consciousness/awareness" is what existed before the dream, this metaphor works. There's far more to it than that though, so it's not even close to a complete metaphor.

Any idea, including those found in video games, have the potential to launch people into some degrees of spiritual awakening. It's ultimately, however, a choice of the individual how far they want to go with the knowledge. Intentions are the most important part of knowing other people, and if their intentions are not aligned towards furthering self-discovery, they're not going to change their minds or perhaps even notice profound insights when they present themselves. I can't claim to know these things though so don't take my word on it.

28th April 2015, 02:46 AM
Every once in a while you'll come across ideas that trigger feelings that tell you "that's absolutely right" even when that idea is impossible to verify. I suppose it's like being unaware in a dream until something catches your attention and snaps you out of your unconscious stupor, giving you a greater level of compassion and awareness, as well as the knowledge/power to do greater things in the dream. If you consider being a person the dream while "consciousness/awareness" is what existed before the dream, this metaphor works. There's far more to it than that though, so it's not even close to a complete metaphor.

Any idea, including those found in video games, have the potential to launch people into some degrees of spiritual awakening. It's ultimately, however, a choice of the individual how far they want to go with the knowledge. Intentions are the most important part of knowing other people, and if their intentions are not aligned towards furthering self-discovery, they're not going to change their minds or perhaps even notice profound insights when they present themselves. I can't claim to know these things though so don't take my word on it.

I have to agree fully with this. I get those profound moments of "knowing" a lot . Even the second part I'd say you nailed spot on man. At least that's how I feel too