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14th April 2015, 10:32 PM
Last night I decided to try contacting my spirit guide(s) via meditation. I cleared my mind and set my intention very loudly. At one point when I was asking questions I felt like I was in a trance state and it felt like both my ears were burning. I also got vibrations up my neck repeatedly throughout the conversation. I heard two voices, one male, and one female. I asked them to reveal themselves to me and got images of half of a male's face a few times along with some other images I can't recall now. I do recall seeing different colored shapes. The conversation lasted a while when the male voice eventually told me to get some sleep and afterwards the burning ears sensation stopped along with the vibrations and I was no longer able to maintain contact. Has anyone else experienced these sensations before when talking to guides?

15th April 2015, 03:16 AM

wow that sounds like a beautiful experience congratulation. I never experienced this kind of sensation during talking to guides but i guess it could be cause your energy body got so much energy he almost couldnt handle so you got a burning sensation

Wish you all the best

15th April 2015, 03:57 AM
It's always an individual thing. I've seen people report all kinds of interesting and odd sensations in different mystical situations. There are certain things that are common, some that are uncommon, some that are rare, and some that are unique. I suspect this is because it's all being interpreted by our unique and individual human self/mind/whatever, and everyone's symbolic language is a little different. Yeah, there are some universals, or near universals, but some aspects are always unique. The key is to learning the symbolic language so you can work it out when needed (in this case, it probably isn't needed, though; the meaning is perfectly clear). :)

15th April 2015, 04:10 AM
It's always an individual thing. I've seen people report all kinds of interesting and odd sensations in different mystical situations. There are certain things that are common, some that are uncommon, some that are rare, and some that are unique. I suspect this is because it's all being interpreted by our unique and individual human self/mind/whatever, and everyone's symbolic language is a little different. Yeah, there are some universals, or near universals, but some aspects are always unique. The key is to learning the symbolic language so you can work it out when needed (in this case, it probably isn't needed, though; the meaning is perfectly clear). :)

I did ask about where I came from and recieved images. I remember seeing the sky and some type of aircraft. I suppose it will come more clearly with practice. I read on here that you are suppose to just let the images pass?

15th April 2015, 05:57 AM
I did ask about where I came from and recieved images. I remember seeing the sky and some type of aircraft.
Interesting. I have dreams about airports and planes sometimes. In my mind's symbolic language, that's a symbol of change. I doubt that's the case for most people, though.

I'll tell you what my first thought was based on what you wrote (and it's silly, that's why I'm sharing it). I thought of a stork dropping a baby, only instead of it being a stork, it was an aircraft, dropping a baby with a little parachute. :) (Told you it was silly :D)

I suppose it will come more clearly with practice. I read on here that you are suppose to just let the images pass?
Yes, and yes. If it's significant, it will stay with you. And I can tell you I've got certain mystical images, dreams, and symbolic visions burned into my mind from literally decades ago, to which I still haven't worked out a satisfactory understanding. But on the other hand, when you DO suddenly "get it", it's the most amazing feeling.... ;) In other words, it's weird. :D