View Full Version : panic attacks that re-define my perception of reality

2nd May 2015, 04:41 PM
Hi Robert,

As the title suggest that is what I experience. Last night i was over-whelmed by one.

almost like a violet flame about to annihilate a lint ball, in the face of these I feel infinitely powerless, infinitely meaningless. In the face of these life has no meaning anymore. It seemed to have the power to take-away "my purpose" because if "this" could exist everything I am is meaningless. From doctors I've worked with, they've told me you are more susceptible to these attacks when you wake in the night because parts of your brain that normally intercept these energy onslaughts are shut-off.
To describe the experience it was just "over-whelming energy".
I am upsetted by these experiences afterwards because of the re-definition they have caused. Its just something i cant ignore.
In your opinion do you think these experiences are:

*something i was meant to experience?
*something that contains a lesson?
*some totally illusory force?
*something incomprehensible by me, so i interpret it as the most "dangerously" possible event imaginable?

Thanks for reading

Robert Bruce
21st May 2015, 12:20 AM
I have worked with many people that experience panic attacks.

The underlying reason was revealed to me a year ago.

It is, by and large, caused by a 'wheat' intolerance.

Remove all wheat from your diet for a couple of months and note how your panic attacks reduce or disappear.

Be careful to read information on food packets, as wheat is used in many things today.

Spelt and Rye breads and pastas are great substitutes...but read the packet ingredients.

See this video, which explains it all...

