View Full Version : What do you usually do when you go out of body?

8th May 2015, 05:57 PM
Hello! I think maybe your knowledge would be helpful for me. When you go out of body, what is the first thing you do? Where do you usually go? Are there interesting things you enjoy doing? Do you just roll with it or do you choose? I'm looking for ideas on what to do during OBEs. Also- what should one do when he/she goes out of body to the void?
Thank you so much and have a magical day x

8th May 2015, 07:55 PM
Lately, when I get out of my body I just end up in some abstract place that is hard to describe, and I start just exploring. I used to go around my house and neighborhood, or the 'afterlife realms', but that hardly happens anymore, now it's just swirly color and lights and geometric patterns and textures. Kind of boring, except for the ocassional 'important info' sessions which I barely remember.

9th May 2015, 12:36 PM
That sounds really interesting, CFT! :-) maybe you should try waking up right after the important sessions? and say the informations oever and over in your head before you write it down. I don't know if it would be helpful, but maybe it could help. Maybe even summarize it to yourself in a few words.