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View Full Version : What Are Your Principles For A Happy Life?

9th May 2015, 01:04 PM
As the title says, I think it would be interesting and helpful for us to share tips regarding happy living :-)
I'll start with mine:
-Being gratedul (it makes everything you've already got to seem like more than enough)
-Having a larger purpose (makes you get happy motivated in the morning)
-Loving yourself (it all begins from here. if you love yourself- you know how much you deserve)
-Enjoying the little things in life
-Not being so hard on oneself
-Making lists (lol, I think it makes you more productive and then you appreciate yourself more)
-Taking time to enjoy your interests (for example I love reading books etc.)
-Helping others
-Looking at the positive side
-Choosing to be happy. Choosing joy over sorrow. Happiness is a choice.

Can't wait to hear about your ideas of a happy life :-)

9th May 2015, 07:01 PM
I have no principles for a happy life. Maybe a bottom line, but no principles per se.

9th May 2015, 07:24 PM
I have no principles for a happy life. Maybe a bottom line, but no principles per se.
Cool, what's your bottom line? :-)

9th May 2015, 08:23 PM
The happiness and well being of my loved ones. I wish good things to everyone else, but that's the bottom line.

9th May 2015, 08:41 PM
A very important thing for me is to change my habits.

The habit I'm working very hard at at the moment is to change automatic thoughts and reactions while interacting with other people in a fast way (like driving, walking through or so on) to be positive towards them instead of judging or negative/angry.

Every thought I change I will make my new positive habit stronger

9th May 2015, 09:25 PM
I suppose my principals for a happy life are to not let any Situation or Person bring me to a low.
Try to find something positive from a negative situation.
Then I've got my greenhouse of course.
24 tomato plants grown from seed. ( plus all the other plants)
Didn't expect them all to seed and now I haven't the heart to destroy any . Costs me more for the soil than it would to just buy the tomatos from the shops but I get so much pleasure from this so I suppose this one fits into a category of finding a hobby which gives you great pleasure that you can involve yourself in every day.

10th May 2015, 06:03 PM
The happiness and well being of my loved ones. I wish good things to everyone else, but that's the bottom line.
CF, I also find that very important. I think these things can really change one's life completely.

A very important thing for me is to change my habits.

The habit I'm working very hard at at the moment is to change automatic thoughts and reactions while interacting with other people in a fast way (like driving, walking through or so on) to be positive towards them instead of judging or negative/angry.

Every thought I change I will make my new positive habit stronger
Hey WhiteM, I think that's also very important & useful. I'm constantly trying to better myself and I think it's easier, for me at least, to be think better of others when I think of the fact that they are always doing the best they can from their own point of view :-)

I suppose my principals for a happy life are to not let any Situation or Person bring me to a low.
Try to find something positive from a negative situation.
Then I've got my greenhouse of course.
24 tomato plants grown from seed. ( plus all the other plants)
Didn't expect them all to seed and now I haven't the heart to destroy any . Costs me more for the soil than it would to just buy the tomatos from the shops but I get so much pleasure from this so I suppose this one fits into a category of finding a hobby which gives you great pleasure that you can involve yourself in every day.
Hey Susan, dear! I can see now you're a moderator, congrats! :thumbsup: (sorry for not noticing earlier)
I think what you said is all lovely & I mostly like the idea of your tomatoes! sounds very nice. Enjoy them! I love spending time in my garden and I think being around plants is good for the soul.