View Full Version : Chakra activation

11th May 2015, 01:29 AM
Hello there,

I just finished week four, I really enjoyed it by the way. I am writing because energy sensations were extremely strong in some chakras and only mild in other (but I do feel sensations in every chakra). The strongest sensations were felt in the solar plex and in the heart, in the solar plex i feel strong pulsations and pressure and in the heart i feel chest expansion, a really powerful heartbeat and electric pulsations from my coccyx to my neck.

My question is... what makes some chakras feel stronger than others, and in my case, what does these strong sensations in the central chakras might indicate??

Thanks in advance

11th May 2015, 01:12 PM
In theory the heart chakra is the biggest, and even though I usually don't feel a lot in the solar plexus, it's supposed to also be a large network of channels. In the body it's nerve and other types of networks, instead of 'one' gland, like in the other chakras.

In theory, there are two main reasons you get more feeling in some chakras, and they're contradictory- you routinely use the chakra in question a lot in your daily life (such as the head chakras in highly cerebral people) or blockages causing more feedback- such as someone having issues with willpower and having the solar plexus either overstimulated or blocked.
Just examples, of course.

14th May 2015, 05:05 PM
Thanks again!

So, yesterday I was working on the chakras when suddenly I started to feel like a bee was stinging me (around the left cheek), it was a bit painful but I remained calm and after 10 minutes of so the feeling went away. I even though of running away and checking if it was really a bee sting... I did check after the session but it was just an energy sensation

Has anyone felt something similar? What could it be?
I feel cobwebs all the time im doing energy work but this was something differetnt

14th May 2015, 05:50 PM
I've never felt it but some people have reported it. It may be a nerve reacting to the sudden energy flow. I believe Robert reports this in his new edition of AD.