View Full Version : 1.4 The Ego Mind Body, my opinion about physic defense

14th May 2015, 06:34 PM
Techniques of psychic attack and ideas for the defence:

I want to share some of my ideas and opinions with you too about this topic, these are only ideas, the are not truths, and they are based on my investigations.
I had been reading about techniques of psychic defenses, that doesn't makes sense to me, this is the way the psychic attacks works, expressed in the theory of the mind body.

In good people, the psychic attacks happens in the same way the blesses happens, is the projection of a programming and egos to execute a task.

But to understand the more complex attacks, we need to understand the negative (the evil), those who makes the real hard psychic attacks.
The important here is to understand there are underground groups who cares humans, and group who uses to gather energy and uses humans as resources, this means they really think they own humans in their area and have several techniques to get resources from them, because they are a underground society.
This means you must accept there can be a group of them focusing and attacking permanently his victims for his whole life, projecting inside of him, and executing several experiments.

Briefly about his identity there are two theories:

First theory: The negatives say they are the next step on the evolution of the creation, the creation is in a process of evolution, and in the same way humans uses other beings, as food, source of energy and resource for his tasks, they uses humans and the other beings of the creation as food, source of energy and resource. They are created conquerors, and all what you see as evilness, including violence, assassinations, violence, etc. is part of the process of disassociate the beings from the dream of the creation process. And is their responsibility to sabotage the process of evolution creating enmity between brothers and friends, destroying the institutions of society, an basically chaos, so they can govern over them.
This negatives says: to sacrifice his life for other beings is a proof of weakness and you do not belong to them, who are the next step in the evolution.

Second theory: is basically what the matrix says a machine that uses humanity as source of energy.
And this is enough by now, is not important who they really are the important is what they do.

The techniques of psychic attack:
- replacement of higher mind and angel being,
first : this is done programming a destructive subconsciousness personality (like chuck norris you can search 500 verdades chuck norris and analyze them there is nothing positive for the victim, there is a point not clearly explained there is one the programming is done you are chuck norris, this means your subconsciousness)
second: the negatives ones attacks your physican body and projects his own ego mind in the tower of the belly.
third : the negative ones activates as if they are you, and they are the best for you, and they are the most sexually attractive, this redirections the sexual energy that is necessary to activate the higher mind.
fourth: the negatives projects the lvoe of the negative angel being, and the ego child projected inside of you canalize inside of you the negative angel being.
That is basically a replacement
- permanent displacement and disassociation of egos.
- inhibition, this means to make sleep, make belive they die, replace personality, etc. of each ego, is interesting the egos are across the ego mind body, so they are programmed usually in the place they are.
- bad functioning, this means programming to get a bad working in the mental cognitives process of each ego mind and in the spatial and energetic functions of the ego minds, remember every ego mind is a different person.
- destruction of the energetic body of egos that exists similar to the physical body, the energetic body of egos are real bodies, and to attack them they must be cut and destroyed, to gather energy and other resources.
- To avoid an ego to be activated, this is done projected other egos, in the area of the ego, and when one tries to activate one ego based in his location, there is other ego above him, and that ego is activated instead of the one that belongs to the being,if the ego is not structures is like if he doesn't exists, this means a ego projected in an area can avoid his existence.
- Displacing from controlling areas and permanent projection, if an ego is not in a controlling area of the mind ego body the it has not control and is subordinated to the mind in the controlling position, to get that negatives projects permanently egos in specific areas, like the neck, chin and inside the head, and behind the being.
- The use of guided dreaming once they displace egos from controlling areas, so they can get they execute tasks in their mind body like accepting energetic parts of the body of other beings, to facilitate their presence inside of him; or simple to deepen trance and inhibition.
- The attack to destroy the higher mind, involves two elements 1) is called blood of the witch this is inserted inside the head in the upper part, where there is something like a container, 2) then parts of the energetic body of negative beings are inserted inside the energetic body of the person, plust the other techniques and projection of negative higher mind that cuts connection with the higher mind, they higher mind is then destroyed, the symbol of this technique is an A or V with a Z over it.
- Awake in trance from deep dream, when we are deep dreaming we are in trance, so they only guide this process to wake up in trance, this state is different than putting in trance from awake state, this techniques implies a sequence of loops without exits, that moves a state of deeper, "mental dead" , etc. before waking up in trance.
- One of the most effective technique is the fault of understanding of love, this means , the love is the presence of higher beings at different level, if you accept the negative love canalize inside of you, this the same than allow that higher negative beings to control and operate on your being. And this is done simple being kind and good, and after inhibiting the ability of the victim to canalize the love inside of him, to canalize the negative love.
- The use of real drugs, thsi are drugs used by underground groups to difficult the cognitive functioning of the victims, they are usually composed components, so they can throw them to the victim without affecting others. They are from causing sleep, bad memory, bad cognitive functioning, or for causing illness and even death, this is so because there is an spiritual war, and if you want or not you belong to one of the groups. But usually this is used to manage the emotional and mentla state in a cycle according of their strategy, to inhibit his good functioning, and reduce, not to avoid totally their negative impact on them, the price of anonymity is hard work and not complete effectiveness, but the benefits are too, they can be present in several groups without being identified as destructive, and at a given moment they can operate with other groups attacks to avoid specific movements in the society they don't want, and they don't have to make that by themselves.
- The presence of several beings over one person, is usual, because they attack one by one, this means they can be working in a person for years, until they got his objective.
- projection of egos and energetic parts, in specific places with a deformed shape to stole energy, avoid connection or gather energy,
- disconnect egos from other people, every beings exists connected with other being through egos, this tasks, means to disconnect beings of other beings, but extracting egos of other beings projected inside of the victim.
- disguise their egos and the egos of the person, this means to project his egos with an energy and personlity in one are of the person so he can think is his own ego.
- creation, deep programming of destructive mental structures for the being in his mind, and association to all several triggers.
- inhibition of the motivational process.
- A subliminal sequence of sounds that constantly activates the destruction of the being, to make easier mental attacks.
- The technique to take a body, this is an exchange from one body to other, or taking out a being of his body and entering into it.

The techniques to avoid it are not so simple, but I had seen they must be specific to every attack technique being used.
This techniques must understand not all the egos operated in the same way, and ego childs who needs to be positive can't be overload with very negative tasks and concepts, because to allow the canalization of positive love, is necessary they must be positive, and negative thinks, fear, etc. can avoid that state.

-- overload of infinite and absonite positive mental and spiritual structures; and positive granting toward oneself, this is the basic, as the source of the internal mentla and spiritual reality.
-- the creation of a positive subconscious personality.
-- an activation of all the cognitive functions, from bless, permission, right, etc until the responsible presence and execution of all the cognitive function, basically all the verbs.
-- creation of the full circtuit of main flows of programming to activate the being.
-- creation of guided imaginary to guide the mind, through different methodology of activation of the mind, while dreaming and awake.
-- creation of programming duraing the sleep that take out of loops, and programs the mind to protect against sleep deep trancing.
-- a comprehensive association of all the perception, to the circuit of activation of the being.
-- to maintain the controlling positions, specially the back of the neck.
-- a permanent sequence of sounds that activates and structures the being positively.

-- invest long time in creating scripts to activate the cognitive functioning of the ego minds and its the area operation of the ego (expansion, etc. wu xing)
-- invest long time in specific exercise that relax, makes energy exercies, high load of energy and ego body consciousness and displacement.

-- several task from the point of consciousness
-- positive activation of ego child and flow of positive love, and all the other mental systems.
-- control of void, positive and negative presence in areas of the being
-- gather of energy in energetic body
-- techniques to attack external egos inside of one and displace outside (principally it is done with the programming of the Him, the personality of the subconsciousness) note: create several choices, one of Yoda.
- sequences to execute to guarantee to get out of any trance, if we woke up in trance.
-- displacement to control areas in the ego body of mind.
-- creation of structures of energy in the house and areas where one exists, and get a dominant position in that external areas.

-- to protect against body exchange techniques, focus and estructure the attention to internal functioning and ingrain inside of us, because the technique of exchange requires move the focus of one self outside, and allow the other person to focus and expand inside of you.

-- careful reconstruction of the energetic body specially the backbone with every one of the vertebras and the back and neck in general, because any attack requires to destroy this areas partially.

-- displacement inside of one, to the controlling areas, expansion, etc.
-- individuality functoniong, to close to external unnecesary access, this is the absolute control of several areas of control, head, sexual energy area, etc.
is the unnecesary disconnection
self generation of energy the focus in gathering energy of water, and all the kind of energy one needs,
direction of sexual energy toward oneself.
in general to move to a dominion position inside of the mental body, house, society, planet, universe and creation.
clear finality and pursuanse of the plan.
-- clear internalised realities about negatives and focus on spiritula, mental and physical techniques of prudence