View Full Version : Do you have any upcoming seminars in perth/ Is there a way to get personal tutelage.

17th May 2015, 11:38 AM
I am just wondering however i am poor, the reason i ask is cause i read something bout you teaching a 4 year old. I am not sure if i am doing it right i am only on day 2 and i am getting overwhelmed with anxiety is there any way to get personal tutelage at like a seminar or something.

Robert Bruce
19th May 2015, 12:00 AM
I am planning on doing some live workshops in Australia, but have no plans to travel outside Australia at the moment.

If you give more details of what you are doing and experiencing here, I will advise.

I also do skype video consultations. See the catelog at www.astraldynamics.com

So, what were you doing when you experienced the anxiety?

peace, robert

19th May 2015, 12:20 AM
I live in WA, also i am on day 2 and i rub and rub yet i cannot get tingling, i rub till my skin goes red. I dont know what to do. i occasionally get like little waves of sensation if i see and look with my eyes and turn my head but i im not sure.

Robert Bruce
21st May 2015, 12:04 AM
If you pm me we could arrange a skype video session, and I'll take you through the energy work.

You live in Perth, which suburb?


21st May 2015, 05:25 AM
Thornlie why? also will this skype be free as i cant pay again young and poor and no credit card

Robert Bruce
29th June 2015, 12:45 AM
I am planning a live one day workshop here in Perth, probably September 26th 2015

This will be held in a quality lecture room at UWA (university of west australia)

I will begin promoting this and taking bookings soon, once all the details and venue are set.

The name of this one day event will be 'Ascension and Kundalini'

It will be a relatively low cost event, around $75. a head.

If this goes well, I will consider doing a monthly series of workshops, including more intensive 2 to 5 day events.

Details of these events will be on a new site www.KundaliniDynamics.com - this site will be up in a couple of days time.

peace, robert