View Full Version : Advice wanted for a friend

3rd June 2015, 05:10 PM
Hello all, about a month ago my friend's newly wed husband committed suicide and unfortunately she was the one to find him. She's doing a little better now but is still feeling what she describes as this pulling sensation and feels as though he is still with her. She knows I practice Astral Projection and is interested in doing it herself to try to contact him. I told her some techniques and explained the process along with what to expect if she were to decide to try it. I am just a little worried about her going through with it and doing something drastic if she were to make contact with him. Should I advise her against it or perhaps try to guide her along? I can imagine all she wants is closure as to why he did it and to see him one last time but I don't want her to become obsessed, as we all know it's easy to do. I'm just unsure of what to do because part of me wants to help her make contact and the other part wants to stray her away. I feel as though it could really help her move on though, especially since her last image of him wasn't very pleasant. Any advice?

3rd June 2015, 06:37 PM
Just guide her along the process there is nothing bad which can happen to her. Learning ro meditate and leaving your body has a relaxing side effect on people anyway

3rd June 2015, 08:19 PM
This sounds aweful, I'm really sorry :( your friend is really in a bad place right now so the chance to see him again can give her a lot of hope. But I think if she will indeed see him- she will probably get really emotional and that will get her to go back to the body quickly. I think maybe you should let her read RB's book? if it can give her hope... I mean I can't even imagine what she's going through...

It seems like she is right about feeling he is still with her- it is possible... Michael Newton's book has a chapter about how people who recently died try to comfort the people they love.

I also think if she will start reading about AP it will keep her busy and may take her on a new path to spirituality- which can be good for her right now.

But I can tell you that you're a good friend for taking care of her like this.