View Full Version : Metaphysics on channelling and telepathy

5th June 2015, 02:29 AM
Hi, this is my personal investigation on... Ok, internet world, things happen, and just after I have got my investigation working pretty well, I am finding new information, then I see how myself living in my own wordings and doing "falsely inventive words". I create new meanings on many words in my research, without knowing that there are better words. Anyway, yeah, channelling and telepathy, this is my final decision on how I am going to describe them.

1) The "channelling" I have described here are supposedly known as "kriya yoga" in Hinduism or "spontaneous qigong" in Taoism. It is about spontaneous body movements. They use prana or qi to describe this phenomenon. Google "body move itself" or "body move spontaneous" if you want to find out more (which I have already included some inside my link below, saving your internet life).

2) The telepathy I have described here is not psychic. It is not about "voice that speaks" inside mind. I has to do with imagination.

... both have nothing to do with external entity, but to channel and telecommunicate with "self's self" or "another-self". Some may use "subconscious" or "higherself", but here, I am describing it as "imagery self".

This is the link of my work:

[Link modified. Please copy and paste if you're interested. Fewer than 20 posts. Please see: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/faq.php?faq=boardrules#faq_linkrules]

My personal story:
One day (around June 2014) I had a dream dreaming myself moving my own body like I am observing my own body for it was moving by itself. Then I woke up and I tried it for the first time, it worked.

A month later, I was wondering if I can, since I can have my body moving spontaneously, instead of that, having my mind thinking spontaneously? Then I tried to communicate with my own brain for the first time, it worked, again.

Later, I joined groups and there were gurus or masters telling me I must been wanting to develop psychic ability (which they were totally wrong) and I was wrong for doing that. I tried to resonate with them but they wanted to believe what they wanted to believe on me. They told me that these were subconsciousness or pastlife but no such thing as "self's another self", or they were keep telling me that I had developed a personality split and had to see a psychiatrist or read their suggested (boring) "mind opening" books.

This type of channelling and telepathy need no years of practice but just a "one-time-activation" and there you have it. It is not psychic at all. It has nothing to do with channelling or telecommunicating with an external entity. What I do here is to communicate with my own "another self" and it has never being able to give me something that I have never learned, understood or being able to imagine before. It does give me some strange energy flow sensation occasionally during my sleep, but has never effected my physics.

Other then that, I do mantra and mudra a lot, which I can never understand what they mean. Even by asking my "another self", it has no idea why it does that as well. It only says that that it is its nature of being "spontaneous and random", which I have investigated and explained in my work. It leads me to investigate the metaphysics of itself. The link above is the outcome of my personal research with it.

Perhaps the strangest thing of my practice here, has got me into on questioning it if it is a dragon. Yes, a dragon, you hear it here. During my channelling, it has showed to me that many signs of its (imagery) body and behaviour not being human at all. Sleep, eat, bath, drink, anything, it can just behave like a lizard. I can choose to deny it, but this has something to do with my believe on what should be believed.

Most of the people who practice spirituality, such as kriya yoga or spontaneous qigong, often thinking of "these are all belonged to me". They do understand things about self, ego, pastlifes, higher self, subconscious, god, oneness, void, multidimensional selves and so on, but the way they interpret these are, it must not to be about "entity possession", "personality spilt" or "division of consciousness". I am fine with that actually. However when I ask about my logic, they reject me.

My logic is simple, if I have my body and brain do something that I cannot understand at all, then I have the reason to believe that it is not or partially coming from me. Most people understand this part, and explain to me that, with their own understanding on everything, it is just about the pastlifes, higher self, subconscious, god, oneness, void, multidimensional selves things, of whatever they want to philosophize with. However, I take the other part, asking that if it is partially from me, that I have the reason to respect what it really is. This is the part they cannot accept, which they explain to me about the "entity possession", "personality spilt" or "division of consciousness" things, and I must not dwell into this kind of thing. I find the contradiction on both of what they are trying to say. Firstly, they say we have to let go of everything and let it do whatever it wants, as this is how kriya yoga or spontaneous qigong works; next, they say only to the point when it has developed into its own personality thing, then it has to be removed. How can you say you have to let go of everything for it to work and then suppress it from being something? I want them to explain this clearly to me but they tell me to go see psychiatrist or read their suggested (boring) "mind opening" book.

Let me rephrase my logic here, is that I am thinking about, for anyone who do things that him/herself cannot understood, it must be coming from things that are not from him/herself, therefore, it has to be respected for being itself. To say, "kriya yoga" or "spontaneous giqong" or other similar practice, for it is been doing something for "its practitioner", that the practice itself on the practitioner must has its existing beingness, the "kriya yoga" or "spontaneous qigong" itself has its own beingness. I have tried to explain this to the gurus or masters I meet but they keep changing the subject on what they want me to listen to (or maybe their brain are destroyed by reading too many books). The way I see this, on these gurus or masters, are like humans have been liking to stripping things that are granted as freebie but hardly recognize the things as "it has its beingness of itself", which has to be respected. You can say this is as pantheism.

Besides from meditation, kriya yoga can work as grounding practice, this is more familiar in spontaneous qigong, where it is to start with standing pose and let the body do spontaneous taichi. The books about this is lacking in english translation... Many practitioner involves themselves on walking in the circles, kind of like phenomenal and it is said that this is to create energy vortex. Think about spiritual dance where energy is being worked out for healing purpose. Reports about doing this kind of spontaneous grounding have resulting prana or qi sensation in body and this seems to be better when doing it at natural environment where the body can have better energy to work with. One you are familiar with many kinds of spontaneous movements you will start to understand your imaginary self, your imaginary body and behaviours. Like the case of mine, a dragon.

Many spirituality has been talking about kundalini and soul merging thing. However, I hardly see this happens to me. My experience is more like working with energy. At the very beginning when I was channelling, my body did a lot of (imagery) vomiting and pulling stuff out from my body. There was a few processes where I feel like there were seals like sealing my wings, horns, tail, fangs, whiskers, snout, etc. There were a lot of like I got spiritual/imagery wearings like robe, cape, rings, hat, books, necklace, etc. I did a lot of imagery signature signings, bow down praying, drawings, singing, etc.

To me, there are three main types of spiritual practices: Stand grounding (channelling), astral projection (telepathy) and meditation (channelling+telepathy). I do astral projection and meditation for the most because I cannot find a good place to do stand grounding plus my room is too small. I can see many westerners are working with meditation and astral projection but less with stand-grounding. Kundalini is seemingly about meditation. To me these three have to be balanced in order to get the whole thing. You keep switching your spiritual practices on standing, sleeping and sitting poses give you more and more subtle experiences and new ideas are growing in you on do what do next.

I do not like to argue about my dragon identity with people who are unable to see the whole structure of something that have to be explained as whole. Any explanation that compiles of fragmented structures but being unable to hold itself/themselves as whole, is not interested to me. No suggested book reading please, show me your complete understanding, do not copy and paste phrases.

So please enjoy reading it, I do not expect anything by putting my work here. (Nor do I cared about impeach, which I can simply deny, cheers.)

Thank you.

5th June 2015, 11:45 AM
Hi fei,

I think I understand you, but one thing I have to comment on....I read your writing about that demons is here to end spirituality...and you said that light wronging darkness....as I understand GOD has two polarities....it is dark to light and that makeĀ“s it whole and total...BUT there are same LAW only ONE for both polarities....do you agree??


5th June 2015, 01:02 PM
Hi ia,
Many of my blogposts there are emotional baggages and very self-talking, I have been speaking with my "another self" and he has been helping me out. I have dreams that are trying to telling me things as well.

Sometime it is easier to write in negative way, sometime it is better to write in point form.

Sorry I am not here to bring this issue up. Since you want me to answer to this manner. Honestly, the very beginning of you saying that you think you understand me is already showing your deceit over darkness. With that, the rest are you being trying to manipulate what you think darkness is about . You create that statement based on your experience with god but not on the experience of how god can treat you like a god. I am sorry, I am just looking at you and seeing you living in your own illusion of light. Again, I am just trying to be honest with you. If you can understand how god can treat you as god and showing you that you can demand god to do something for you (even forcing you to do something you dislike), else, it is hard for you to understand why god can be abused and how darkness is abused by light.

However, please don't take this answer personally... I mean, this is actually a sad situation right now and I am not thinking too much about it. I say it that way have my own reason. I don't think any human can help about this. Things have happened in spiritual side and I do not know how would they work out.

Thanks for concern.

5th June 2015, 01:32 PM
Hi fei,

I am not taking this personally, I only say, this topic is very delicat and difficult to disscuss balansed, I hope we can keep a kind approach toward each other. When I said ...I think I understand you, was to leave it open for you to fill in the missed balanks I have...and I know I have loads of illusions and I am still degesting what I have expereinced through all my life, I have not de-coded much I can tell, but I am working on to desmantel my illusions, I today can admit when I notice I have missunderstood and I can leave an old belief for a new one...:-)
I am sorry if you felt me trying to manipulate you, I can tell that I do not do this consiously, thank your for your honesty.
Do you have some name of your belief??....I do not have ...but I use old beliefs lables for lacking of more appropriate name, and to be understood in someway we have to use ...words....what are already loaded with biases so to speak...it is not easy to create NEW words and charge them with more true picture of my belief. I do believe in justice and LOVE and honesty.


5th June 2015, 02:05 PM
Hi ia.

Glad to hear that. I say it that way for the reason of, it is not really about you, it is what we have been in a situation of I have been thinking of, and I feel like want to say it that way, like I am yelling at the sky why this person is saying things like that, instead of on the face of the person which is you.

I guess I am between atheist and pantheist. Yes many words have been biased... not to say that the world has changed so much by internet.

I do believe in love and light, but sadly my kind of light is not happening right now. I am sad and distress about how light has turned against darkness and gets me not being able to settle down. Believing in light is not enough for me, I demand light to work things out instead of not being able to understand how it has annoyed darkness so much.

5th June 2015, 02:25 PM
Well, have patience and meditate and the understanding will arise....But to be frustrated you may have closed you for a communication to occure.....I see you.


5th June 2015, 02:36 PM
I have been doing meditation, thanks for concern.

5th June 2015, 02:47 PM
Yes you have done meditation but not in an open relased maner....if you had, you would know the difference and your frustation would have left you.

I send you loads of LOVE. Keep up the good work.
