View Full Version : Projecting from different states of conciousness

5th June 2015, 03:55 PM
Hello everyone,

First of all.. its nice to find a place where we can talk about weird stuff like this, must people usually thinks Im crazy when I start talking about this so thanks to everyone who contributes... it is very comforting.

I've been doing M.A.P. for about two months now (only at week 6 tho... have had a few days where I haven't been able to practice. I have been having OBE's since about week three, however they didn't happen while practicing it usually was a few minutes after falling asleep after doing all the exercises. Usually I woke up (not fully) because I felt the vibrations and then proceeded to make an exit. After reentry I always found myself in a dream before actually waking up. I believe this happened because the dream mind was active before and after the exit.

This was a constant in every projection and it made my memories a bit confusing between the OBE and the actual projection. However, in the last week I have managed to have 2 OBEs where I was fully conscious (I am waking up at 5 am to practice, works like a charm) before separation and when I reentry there is no dream, I go straight from OBE to physical. This made the recall much easier and comprehensive.

Has anyone experienced this difference between projecting from a semi-conscious state and a fully conscious one?

5th June 2015, 04:15 PM
I have and the only constant in the experiences is that when I'm only half-conscious I forget a big chunk of the experience.