View Full Version : Card experiment

5th June 2015, 04:03 PM
3 days ago I placed a card in a wall outside my window without looking at it, I wasn't able to project until today... I had a very specific plan,

1) go out through my window to the garden
2) observer the card carefully
3) return instantly and write it down

So I did... I went out of my room (it is on the 3rd floor) and started floating up, then going back down, up and down, it was so hard to control exactly where I wanted to stop, I kept grabbing whatever I could to stop... It took a few tries until I could finally observe it... 8 of clubs! I shouted and went back to physical instantly.

To my disappointment I checked the card and it was the Queen of diamonds haha, what could have gone wrong in my experiment? and how can I control my movement better...practice?

Thanks in advance