View Full Version : Attempting OBEs Causes More Vivid Dreams and Better Recollection?

18th June 2015, 03:12 AM
Hey guys,

Just wanted to see if anyone experiences this like I have. Anyway, I have been attempting to have OBEs for the past 5 days. Granted, this is a small sample size, but bear with me. I have never really kept a dream journal or anything like that. However, since I have begun doing this, my dreams have increased in length and vividness. In addition, when I wake up, I am able to remember my dreams in their entirety. I don't remember every dream I have on a given night, but the last dream I have had on each of the past five nights remained in my head as clear as a bell when I woke up in the morning. Prior to this, I would remember bits and pieces every night, but they weren't clear at all. As an example, last night I clearly remember a dream in which I was driving down the highway about an hour from my house, got pulled over and got a speeding ticket, drove away and was immediately home with my dad lecturing me about it, then dribbling a basketball down my street, becoming lucid, and having my first OBE. And the thing is, I can remember everything about it perfectly. I remember the clear blue sky overhead and the slight southern accent of the police officer who pulled me over. It's just weird. Before, I maybe would vaguely remember getting pulled over and that would be it. And even that would soon fade away. Has anyone else noticed that attempting OBEs eventually leads to more vivid dreams? Or am I the only one? If someone happens to know why this occurs, please let me know! :)

18th June 2015, 03:06 PM
The practice of bringing awareness to what are usually subconscious processes brings it in many other ways, dreams being one of them. Expect a little more 'weirdness'. It's all normal.