View Full Version : I can see astral parasites, they are huge. What can I do? Warning: If you aren't Robert do not read.

25th June 2015, 02:53 AM
Warning: to anyone who is not Robert please do not continue to read. I've discovered that if you even think about these guys it is fuel for them to manifest. To read this you are making them more real which is not what we want even if they are real, they should not be allowed to manifest in our reality. Do not read as it will help them and not you. I cannot warn you enough, please do not read the details of these creatures. You are clean, you are pure, do not fear. I wanted to send Robert a private message to not influence anyone but this was the only way I could contact him.

Hi Robert,

To get a quick summary of me, I broke my neck at 19, wanted to end my life but climbed out of the darkness, rebuilt my life, and now at 30 years old I find life the most wonderful gift the cosmos can give us. Once I came to the conclusion this is the most wonderful gift and used suffering as a way to grow spiritually and mentally I was shown my next path, to heal myself and to spread this love to the rest of the world to raise as many peoples vibrational frequency as possible.

If interested in my journey you can read here:


That being said, because I've been given so many gifts and have traveled to many different dimensions I've seemed to attract some unwanted visitors. I've also been given a gift and a curse from these visors. I can now see an spirits (good or bad) and I've also been given a portal in front of my eyes.

I can see this portal with my eyes closed or open. When my eyes are open the portal is see through like a jellyfish. If I don't focus on the portal it will be background noise and not noticeable. I use this orb which is about the size of a grape fruit when looking at close objects to see spirits, astral parasites, and aliments on peoples bodies (which is usually sometimes an astral parasite). If I look way out into the skys the orb increases size drastically. By looking into the skys I will attract very large and unwanted visitors. If I close my eyes I'll see a red orb, if I focus on the red orb it will look like i'm flying through an ocean of red planet cells. if I ask to see past these cells I'll simply see the cosmos with stars. If there are any parasites near me I will not see the ocean of red plant cells but I will actually see the parasite in its true form. The problem is at the time I was being in contact with many different races of space insects, at the time I felt the cosmos would not ever want to hurt me because all I want to do is spread love and I rarely ever feel negative emotions ever anymore. I just recently felt fear and it was when I realized these entities I always see were actually eating my life force. I'm attempting to heal my left leg and its interesting the parasites are attacking my left leg.

I read your book on psychic self defense and found it helpful, Im glad others know that astral parasites are real but can you see them? I used your techniques and it keeps them from actually touching me but they are still hanging around my house. They are huge and they aren't just around my house but they are everywhere. Its quite disturbing. If I look into the sky for too long I will see a massive orb decent towards me and soon I'll see a red wall or a 8 foot by 8 red disk floating around. If I look at the orb or disk too long it will actually show its true form which is straight up out of a horror movie. If people could see these things they would go insane. When I see these massive creatures I get a huge chill and almost pass out. I've learned to simply look at the orbs and not allow the orbs to manifest any further.

Can you actually see these parasites? The reason I ask is because it seems I cannot get rid of these guys, I feel if some people couldn't see them then they may feel they are actually free of them but in fact they are still chilling out, waiting to feed. Its very distracting to me and my goal to heal myself spiritually because anytime I do energy manipulation to heal my left leg it seems they are sucking the force up. My progress in healing has declined and my mission on this earth is to heal so this is a set back but I'm not giving up hope.

Here is my most recent post about the astral parasites and what one class of them looks like:


I also see these orbs on everyone, they are about the size of a tennis ball, some are about the size of grape fruits. There is one on top of everyones head which is never a parasite but some manifest into complex vector entities, when I see these I almost pass out. I feel some humans are actually being influenced by higher dimensional entities. When I look at someone I can immediately tell if there are parasites on them based on where the orbs are located on their body. The orb will not show its true form until I apply my eye technique which will then allow them to manifest into their true form. Their true form is terrifying, I had no idea such things could exist in the cosmos and I feel they are feeding on all of us, keeping us from our true powers. Although I'm skilled at communicating with higher dimensional entities, energy manipulation, visualization, astral projection, lucid dreaming, and creation it seems my powers are useless against these guys.

If you can see them I will feel better that there is a way to defeat them but if you can only feel them I feel they maybe simply tricking you, they can simply hide and wait until you sleep. I have never seen them disappear and even white sage does nothing to them. They don't have the wide range of emotions we have but they are masters at what they were born to do, feast on life forces. :shock:

If you can see them, what do they look like to you? Perhaps what I'm dealing with are not the "Negs" you speak of but the symptoms are the same. When I'm being attacked, they attack my legs first and my legs will shake crazily. It feels like something is lightly nipping at my legs but its not very painful. the only way I know i'm really being attacked is because I can see the orb following my left foot and then my leg will start shaking crazily.

I've found one temporary solution if Im under a heavy parasite attack, when this occurs the parasites will actually manifest easier with my eyes closed. I call upon the purple dragon ([http://www.reddit.com/r/occult/comments/2tm0rt/meeting_the_purple_dragon_♥♥♥♥_got_real/) to protect me and I actually see a cosmic battle. It was so wonderful to see such protection but the next day I will still see them, they continue to come back, it seems they are countless in numbers and variety. The different species of astral parasites are so great, I feel it mirrors the amount of insects we have on our earth. As above, so below.

Any advice you have for me would be great. I would love to hear you say you actually see these parasites and when you apply your method you actually see them disappear. The reason I say this is because they are tricksters, they know how to stop attacking and to simply wait for the next feeding time.

Also anyone reading this do not fear, they are not on everyone and to even think they exist will help them manifest more. I

I've also found out heat actually helps them manifest, its raw energy for them. I had an electric heater and they loved it. I also found out electric fans they seem to enjoy. I had a dream and they said they will die if you don't wake up, I woke up and a year book my mom made me for my 30th birthday fell off the table besides me. I had some salt lying around so I poured it where the book fell and my fan immediately shut off, its completely dead. I also saw an orb hovering hear the motor and thought nothing of it but it seems they can use wind energy as well. Another example of wind was when I was driving in my car I looked up at the stars and a massive entity descended upon me and I thought nothing of it, its better to ignore. As I was driving I looked out the side of my car and its right besides me, it seemed to get more powerful the faster I drove. When I got home I sat on my chair and within minutes a huge red wall appeared in the corner of my eyes. I never saw such a wall before and I was quite afraid. Thats when I opened your book and it calmed me so thank you.

Robert Bruce
29th June 2015, 01:46 AM
Yes, I have seen this type of neg.

'Your energy flows to where your attention goes'

It helps if you do not focus on any entity or orb that is bothering you. Focusing on them will connect with them and feed them.

Ignoring such things is an art worth your learning.

These things can aptly be related to the insects and animals of our world. As above, so below, is very accurate.

Countermeasures and banishments need to be done every day to be effective.

I recommend you get some earthing/grounding products, like an electrically earthed bed sheet. Being in contact with the earth electrically grounded is a great help for keeping neg parasites away.

Heavy salt baths also help.

Learn a banishment. See the last chapter in my book on this, on how to do a pentagram banishment. This can be done in the physical, in the astral, or in lucid dreams. It is very effective.

If you want more, google 'Lesser Banishment Ritual of Pentagram - LBRP' and do this morning and night.

Negs will mess with electrical and electronic devices, yes.

As for your healing, I recommend you get some K2/D3 drops. These help enormously for healing spinal and joint issues, as well as heart disease and just about anything else. It is a true miracle substance.

See http://au.iherb.com/Thorne-Research-Vitamin-D-K2-1-fl-oz-30-ml/23517

and see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYMExQNosTQ

I also recommend that you eliminate wheat from your diet, as this contains certain opiates that, in some people, will tend to open doorways in the mind, so that other dimensions and their inhabitants will bleed through into the present reality.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbBURnqYVzw

peace, robert

29th June 2015, 02:49 AM
Hi Robert,

Thanks so much for the advice. You have given me the faith to keep working at ridding my house and mind of these parasites.

Much love,