View Full Version : Transforming a demon house into a divine house(3 easy steps)

3rd July 2015, 04:38 AM
Understand that the dark side has it's territory. It can’t function in all areas. Some places are out of bounds for the dark side. Such as out in nature. Gardens, national park, churches. etc etc etc. All because it high vibes. BTW, high vibes short for vibrations. When we hit the vibe state we hit a natural raising vibrations state before obeing. The reason why we get threw the vibe state is because we do not resonate vibrationally in the RTZ as Robert Bruce labels

3 easy steps

If you have angels but can't see or talk to them. You can ask a well-trained psychic to answer a yes or no question.
For example I work with angels but can't see or hear them. Ask the psychic "I asked my angels to fully raise the vibration high in my house have they answered my prayers psychic yes or no. IF the psychic said s yes you have successfully transformed the demon house into a divine house

Properly White Sage smudging a house hold.

Additionally receive a mental clearing because that interfere with the home is where the heart is

Quick and easy to read thread, Simple and clear.

Aka Astral Practitioner