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View Full Version : Hearing a name in my head

12th July 2015, 05:14 AM
What does it mean if i keep hearing a name in my head. It's my friend but I keep hearing her name said with my minds voice. Is this a thing? Am I supposed to do something about this?

12th July 2015, 06:52 PM
I hear names in my head all the time. Sometimes names I don't recognise, sometimes names I do, sometimes people I know, usually people I don't know personally.

As far as I can tell, this is just psychic "noise". You're tuned in to a certain frequency (maybe only briefly) and you just "pick up" whatever's on that channel, and the channels appear to be infinite.

FWIW, I also get strange random flashes of places, of people, of various situations and "life stories", etc. I used to think they must be important but now I know it's just noise. If it's REALLY important, it makes itself known in very clear ways, not just weird little flashes. :)

13th July 2015, 01:06 AM
hmm i see. That makes some sense. I asked my friend how she was doing and she said things were good. So I'm not entirely sure why I keep thinking about her. Even if she was in trouble, she lives 1000 miles away from me so I couldn't really help her.

So in that case how do i adjust the dial? :D

13th July 2015, 05:18 PM
Just tune it out, the way you would tune out a background noise like the neighbor running an electric hedge trimmer. ;)