View Full Version : Light Body Projection (rear projection)

29th July 2015, 08:07 AM
Have you ever encountered lightworkers who can project threw guided meditation. I pretty sure they don't out of body with the astral body because if they do they would be asleep but they are not, during guided meditiaton. You see they respond by coming back so they are conscious not asleep. That's how I know their getting out of body not by the astral body but a light body that is present. Not only are they are guided by the angels. The angels take the light body projector for a journey for example this can be experienced during reiki or meditation. I can see my light body when I am awake. It looks like a blue astral body but in the colour white. But don't know how to project it just yet. I will learn threw the angels once I work see and talk to them. They will teach me how to project using the light body. Not much has been talked about light body projection. Please post here and make it more of common phenomena. Light bodies are only available to members of heaven.

29th July 2015, 08:10 AM
moderator please put this thread in the out of body forum

29th July 2015, 08:13 AM
Mod Please change thread name to ...

Light Body Projection(rear projection)

^ wrong spelling mistake

29th July 2015, 07:05 PM
Light bodies are only available to members of heaven.
hmmm, and how do I or any of us become or find out if one is a so-called "Member of Heaven" to have/obtain a light body?


30th July 2015, 12:53 AM
1 religious,
2 goody good = rightious
3 loving wanting to be an angel in the flesh
4 wanting to work with angels
5 support only the light side not supporting the darkside
6 service for example, reiki

BTW I believe many people have light bodies as I can imagine many people support heaven not hell

thankyou mod !

30th July 2015, 01:01 AM
many people can project using the light body it's just a matter of familarization working with angels and being guided by them. I will unbury this thread once I know how to project using the light body. By being educated by them. I invite lightworkers to enlightened this thread with what they know about lightbody projections and how it can be done.

Please write here, lightworkers

30th July 2015, 11:39 AM
Hi lord.of.the.now,
I start to say that I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, it is not my intent but I need to say this:

All living things are Created and are memebers of the Heaven.
Many forms and many shapes and degreas of from kind to evil...all are created to fill a spot in the evolution. To judge is not good, but to learn to know the range of differences and purposes is what we are here to learn.
When we stop judgin and understand that we are also creaters of chaos, then we start to understand why the World looks like it does.
God is pure LOVE and no judge is upon Him.
We are the judgin ones and chaos makers, our fear make us to divide and concore. God is the unity we must strive to achive and when we are enough developed we start to work with God, He works through us, until this happens we have to dare to leave all beliefs we have adobted falsly.
It takes time and guts to go though fear and to total faith.

As you write I feel your fear, trust on truth and all will be okay.
Let the LOVE in.


30th July 2015, 10:13 PM
Yes and No. Not active members of heaven. I would have to disagree and agree. You see most people who follow robert bruce astral projection do not light body project. Comparing the huge fraction that does astral project comparing it to the world. There is a separation of light body projectors vs astral projection, using the astral blue body

31st July 2015, 06:59 AM
Yes and No. Not active members of heaven. I would have to disagree and agree. You see most people who follow robert bruce astral projection do not light body project. Comparing the huge fraction that does astral project comparing it to the world. There is a separation of light body projectors vs astral projection, using the astral blue body

Hi lord.of.the.now,
Okay, but nevertheless all are members of Heaven. What exists for real are of God, what we create are not real, only what is created is of God/Heaven. It is why eternity exists and time only for a period so to speak.
So, the light body is when you are in your body and Project so to speak.
And astral body when you are out of your body so to speak, is it this you are saying??


31st July 2015, 12:30 PM
I assume the light body to be the so-called mental body, the one up higher from the astral body. In his book 'Demystifying the Out-of-body-experience (http://www.amazon.com/Demystifying-Out-Body-Experience-Exploration/dp/0738730793/)' L. Minero calls it accordingly the 'mental soma' which is the highest body to the soma (physical body) the energosoma (etheric body) and psychosoma (astral/emotional body). According to him, with the mental body/soma already you can have God-like unity consciousness experiences, so this would maybe qualify for the 'light body'?
Of course there are models with more bodies, the eastern ones also knows bodies above that, causal, nirvanic, buddhic, etc. But this is farther than we can know and experience I assume. Here's a good overview given by Kurt Leland who uses the theosophic model based on the eastern concepts: http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-projection-log/orientation/133-overview-of-planes-and-bodies

31st July 2015, 10:13 PM
Hi lord.of.the.now,
Okay, but nevertheless all are members of Heaven. What exists for real are of God, what we create are not real, only what is created is of God/Heaven. It is why eternity exists and time only for a period so to speak.
So, the light body is when you are in your body and Project so to speak.
And astral body when you are out of your body so to speak, is it this you are saying??

Sorry mate I am having a hard time understanding what you are talking about. PLease be more clear with your writing, Thankyou

31st July 2015, 10:18 PM
I assume the light body to be the so-called mental body, the one up higher from the astral body. In his book 'Demystifying the Out-of-body-experience (http://www.amazon.com/Demystifying-Out-Body-Experience-Exploration/dp/0738730793/)' L. Minero calls it accordingly the 'mental soma' which is the highest body to the soma (physical body) the energosoma (etheric body) and psychosoma (astral/emotional body). According to him, with the mental body/soma already you can have God-like unity consciousness experiences, so this would maybe qualify for the 'light body'?
Of course there are models with more bodies, the eastern ones also knows bodies above that, causal, nirvanic, buddhic, etc. But this is farther than we can know and experience I assume. Here's a good overview given by Kurt Leland who uses the theosophic model based on the eastern concepts: http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-pro...nes-and-bodies (http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-projection-log/orientation/133-overview-of-planes-and-bodies)

Yes I remember reiki club lightworkers light body projectors experienceing oneness towns countries etc

For your facination they were not in a altered state of counsciousness because they could speck freely during light body projection

1st August 2015, 01:25 AM
I think the secret is a attunement or iniation from the angels. Opening up a certain psychic function or a door. I think the psychic function is available to those who see and talk and work with angels. I work with angels but I can kindoff see or talk to them yet, on a physical level but getting there.

You see I cannot astral project because I have too much psychitraic drug toxins in my body that block voices. Which is a plus. Light body projection will give me the freedom to out of body while I am awake in the physical. It's very very very hard to obe on clozpine,(astral projection) because my REM is rubbish comparing to drunk low low levels of counsciousness during a obe on clozpine

1st August 2015, 08:21 AM
Sorry mate I am having a hard time understanding what you are talking about. PLease be more clear with your writing, Thankyou

Hi lord.of.the.now,
What I tried to express is that all what is existing for real is of Heaven, and all what we created during an incarnation is most chaos and belief based fear so to speak, and to get that far to see the difference what is what takes time and guts.
And what you said that not all work for Heaven, how can you know?? maybe they are and it is your belief that some or few are choosen ones??!!
All are choosen ones for if they where not they wouldn´t exist...right.
But not all are in the same spot of evolution and this paradox do fool us all to Think we have come somewhere or to know something special.....everyone is exactly where they should be, according to theres Life plan so to say.

I Think it is wise that you can not Project even you do it unconsiously, and therefore are "forgiven" much, when we start to become "aware" it is here the cause and effect kicks in, but we have to "pay" in away our unawareness too, and it is this what is the big problem because Before we become aware we have a bunch of belief to hide behind, but all will come to open air and it is very hurtful to see what chaos we have made during our unawareness, but all will be to our benefit in the end so to speak.
There is no Death only Life what is Love.

I know this may not make any sense to you, if not, let it only be and do not make any issue out of it, trust on your own path and knowing.

I am happy for you that you are back!! Keep up the good work.


6th August 2015, 09:22 PM
All are choosen ones for if they where not they wouldn´t exist...right

I actually open to believe in hell spawn process. Demons being created in hell. The hell being the creator. I cant fully prove it though

7th August 2015, 07:30 AM
I actually open to believe in hell spawn process. Demons being created in hell. The hell being the creator. I cant fully prove it though

I see hell as the ego based sphere where you can live out your "dark" side and feel it is okay, and when you are done with it you do for sure know that no-one can go on living that way, and then the real side of the soul starts to awaken and start to take responsibillity and develop in right way, and you remember at last who you are.


26th September 2015, 02:06 AM
I will unbury this thread when I know how to project with my light body and teach how to do it

26th September 2015, 11:09 AM
Hi lord.of.the.now,

What does rear projection mean??


30th September 2015, 09:15 AM
Hi lord.of.the.now,

What does rear projection mean??


Basically mainstream projection is using the blue body. I call it rear projection because it's projection using the white body not common form of projection. That's a theory in practice I might be wrong. Who knows..

30th September 2015, 09:48 AM
Basically mainstream projection is using the blue body. I call it rear projection because it's projection using the white body not common form of projection. That's a theory in practice I might be wrong. Who knows..

Thank you for your reply, but still I do not understand?? You say blue body...is it an elemental view?? or ...I have no rememberance of colored bodies?? so illuminate me, please.


30th September 2015, 11:55 PM
When you learn to astral project one day and check out your non physical body out side your physical. It's etheral blue

1st October 2015, 04:03 AM
So....if my vision cannot detect colors, what then?

Appears fairly limiting to close ones mind to discussion, when so much more can be gained by considering the possibilities.

1st October 2015, 08:36 AM
So....if my vision cannot detect colors, what then?

Appears fairly limiting to close ones mind to discussion, when so much more can be gained by considering the possibilities.

If you cant detect colours there must be something wrong with your third eye

Yes this discussion is limited. I just wanted to give people another option if they cant astral project using astral body or in other terms the blue body

1st October 2015, 09:25 AM
When you learn to astral project one day and check out your non physical body out side your physical. It's etheral blue

Okay, my etheral body is White?? is there other colores to the etheral body then blue and White??


2nd October 2015, 02:06 AM
please delete this post mod here becuase accidently post by accident <-----------------------------

2nd October 2015, 02:12 AM
Okay, my etheral body is White?? is there other colores to the etheral body then blue and White??


Yes there is possible a purple coloured astral body from kundalini. I am just guessing I could be wrong though

Yes I have noticed my astral body is white aswell when I try to astral project. In the past. But recently it is blue. That just simply lets you know that you are a member of heaven.

There is also a body of light 2nd body of light that is available to light workers. When you move your physical body it comes out and goes back into your body when stopping physical movement different comparing it to the astral body. Sometimes the astral body has been transformed into a body of light. when you move your arm in the right physical lighting it appears visible to the active third eye, I am 100% positive there is a rear body, light body because I discern the behaviour of the light body coming out and going back in. This is not normal behaviour of the astral body.. This is evidence to tell there is rear projection option. And there can be two light bodies

2nd October 2015, 02:51 AM
I wasn’t aware that Robert Bruce discovered light body projection. The lightbody projection was known from the start of the 1st rise of lightworker ancestors. I have discovered it's identity though to bring it to consciousness between the separation of rear projection vs astral projection

2nd October 2015, 02:59 AM
hangon now I cant find robert bruces material about kundalini and light body projection

Can someone please help retrieve that subject

2nd October 2015, 03:40 PM
I think I found it. Here you go:

4th October 2015, 11:14 PM
Thankyou CFTraverler

I have the light body for years. It must be something else. It hasnt activated kundalini at all. Talking about robert bruces is material on light body and kundalini