View Full Version : Shaktipat Intensive

21st August 2015, 05:03 PM
I see October 24th is global shaktipat intensive day on the Siddha Yoga calendar.

Has anyone received shaktipat? Did it stimulate an awakening for anyone? Any personal stories would be much appreciated

17th July 2016, 05:43 PM
I see October 24th is global shaktipat intensive day on the Siddha Yoga calendar.

Has anyone received shaktipat? Did it stimulate an awakening for anyone? Any personal stories would be much appreciated

I received paid for and scheduled-distance shaktipat in 2011 while deployed to Afghanistan. It might have been a better experience but I was on patrol and that's not really conducive to receiving energy.
Smaller examples of my friend Tom sending me Reiki were more powerful, even though Reiki doesn't tend to have as much punch as shaktipat due to the kundalini factor. I used to be fascinated with the idea of receiving shaktipat but found it wasn't all that hard to start developing chi and looking into my own kundalini development.

Unintentional shaktipat has been more effect in my case. I had a teacher showing me and a class how to do certain esoteric meditations and his shakti greatly boosted the effects the practices had at the time. Instead of a slow, partially working energy session it was like an instant "this is happening" (and I liked it) moment.

I think my spirit guide may have stimulated kundalini to an extent in our interactions but it didn't cause any full awakenings. My lower centers would pulse and my hips would twitch around. Everyone at work just thinks I can't sit still.

18th July 2016, 08:13 PM
I've received Shaktipad twice, at my church on the prescribed day, and Tom did me too. That was years ago.