View Full Version : Past lives and numbers symbolism

4th September 2015, 01:12 PM
After a week completion of MAP's trance work I'd been having new different types of exits while sleeping.

Last night for examle I felt someone/something was pulling out my socks, sheets, and carring my body on his/her shoulder out of bed. I could hear two voices whispering (astral noise) and when they layed me back in bed I would feel I sunk until I crashed the floor.

When I was out of my body, I rised and walked blinded, I crashed a door or something, fell down and then seated on the floor and began spinning in circles. I demanded brightness until I could open my eyes and see myself in an apartment similar as mine but with a girl standing in the living room. When I asked her who she was I returned back to my body.

I woke up at 7:45. I knew I scheduled my alarm clock to ring at 8:30 for work, so I felt like I could stay in bed a little longer.

Suddenly I felt I was in the bathroom and I saw myself carried away to a city like London, where I saw an old small wristwatch with roman numbers with no band. I don't remeber seeing any arms on it. I felt myself going closer to it, then moving away and directed to a digital clock with red numbers on top of a traffic light counting from 78:03 to 78:09 where it freezed. I felt that I was being directed to these clocks, like a special force was conducting me to focus on them (maybe a guide). At the moment the clock freezed I could feel myself going out of body but I had to abort since I had a feeling I forgot to set my alarm (thing I already did but felt like I didn't). I wished I stayed and see where I would have been taken from there.

When I woke up I couldn't help to notice that these numbers symbolise the dates 03/78 - 09/78. Maybe this was an important period in one of my past lives?