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View Full Version : High-functioning autistic five-year-old reportedly showing signs of telepathy (article)

19th November 2015, 07:19 PM
I've heard already of many cases where autistic children especially are 'connected' to their mothers' minds.

Here's another one.



19th November 2015, 11:39 PM
Very intresting. Maybe he will be a big mystic in the future. If science dont mess him up with to many experiments...

21st November 2015, 04:57 PM
They don't have to be autistic. My (not autistic) son had full-on telepathy with my mind until he turned 5 more or less.

21st November 2015, 07:54 PM
They don't have to be autistic. My (not autistic) son had full-on telepathy with my mind until he turned 5 more or less.
Wow. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

22nd November 2015, 07:55 AM
I had an extraordinary emotional and psychic connection with my autistic child from the moment she was conceived, which I felt (very strange sensation, let me tell you). We still have that, though the nature of the relationship has shifted (she's a teenager now). I didn't have this kind of connection with any of my three other children, not even the youngest, who is, for all intents and purposes, a Mini-Me.

Not all mothers of autistic children have this kind of connection though. Some people block it, or are just not open to it. I've known mothers of autistic kids who were so distressed about the child's autism and all the weirdness that goes with it that they didn't seem to enjoy the child or have any connection at all, but, then, studies have shown that mothers of autistic children have stress levels as high as combat solders, so it's possible that the connection is just not that visible to outsiders. All we see is their stress and frustration... But I digress, as I often do...

22nd November 2015, 07:44 PM
Maybe I'm the one who's autistic. I've been told before I have many of the markers for female Aspberger's. Wouldn't surprise me at all.

24th November 2015, 05:33 AM
Oh, you and me, both, CFT. I was never tested as a child (nobody paid any attention to stuff like that when I was a kid; you were just seen as "awkward" and a little weird). I've learned to compensate for much of it, but I'm middle-aged now and I can't be bothered to hide my eccentricities and strangeness (I do still keep up the "socially acceptable" part, though, and no longer blurt out whatever is in my head, etc). But I definitely test high on the Aspgerger's assessment, though not high enough (now) to be actually considered Aspie. When I was a kid, though.... Yeah...

24th November 2015, 01:30 PM
Oh, you and me, both, CFT. I was never tested as a child (nobody paid any attention to stuff like that when I was a kid; you were just seen as "awkward" and a little weird). I've learned to compensate for much of it, but I'm middle-aged now and I can't be bothered to hide my eccentricities and strangeness (I do still keep up the "socially acceptable" part, though, and no longer blurt out whatever is in my head, etc). But I definitely test high on the Aspgerger's assessment, though not high enough (now) to be actually considered Aspie. When I was a kid, though.... Yeah... Me too. When I was younger I self-controlled a lot, but now I don't bother. What's the use of getting older if you can't say what's on your mind?

7th February 2016, 04:12 PM
Me too. When I was younger I self-controlled a lot, but now I don't bother. What's the use of getting older if you can't say what's on your mind?

Exactly ;)

7th February 2016, 04:35 PM
here is another autistic child showing amazing telepathic abilities ( I think it goes much easy on the bearer if they are born with telepathy instead of discovering it later on)

are autistic children to telepathy? ( makes me wonder )

:arrow: Autistic Girl Astounds Scientists with Telepathy (http://weekinweird.com/2013/04/09/telepathic-girl-baffles-researchers-ability-read-minds/)

8th February 2016, 08:36 AM
They don't have to be autistic. My (not autistic) son had full-on telepathy with my mind until he turned 5 more or less.

Cf if you happen per chance to read this , would you mind giving a few examples of this ? thanks.

8th February 2016, 03:12 PM
Basically, when I napped, he would wake up, the minute I thought "aaaah, he's asleep, I'll take a nap". After a while the only way I could sleep was if I held my mind completely blank and didn't think about him sleeping, I then could nap. Then, when he was a toddler, I would start to say something, and he would blurt out whatever word I was going to say. He only did it with me (but all the time, in front of other people). I'd open my mouth and he would anticipate the word I was going to say. He also did this once with my then minister, who I had a deep emotional bond with at the time.
There are other instances of this type of thing but these were the most common- and unusual, since he was not very verbal.

8th February 2016, 04:35 PM
thank you , that was insightful :-).

9th February 2016, 09:58 AM
I have followed articles on pyschic autistic children with great interest for some time, especially after reading the book Ausomism, by Suzy Miller.

We had an autistic boy at the school who really seemed an unsuitable candidate for integration into a comprehensive high school, even though the boys were quite nice to him, often coming to fetch him of their own accord when he turned up at the wrong classroom. Often, he would become stressed and hit himself so hard that I'd run across the playground and gently take his hand to stop him.

Then he took to isolating himself on an upper veranda (which was duly made safer) and again I'd see him hitting himself. Not really able to leave my "post", I decided to try an experiment and started to send him soothing, loving thoughts every time I'd see him this way and, it seemed to me at least, he'd calm down.

Then, one day, we were having a year meeting and the kids had to sit on the carpeted floor. This kind of change in routine was difficult for him and, when I saw him against the wall, I decided to go sit with him. Again, I focused on sending soothing, loving thoughts and he began to shift his body a little closer and angle towards me. A passing teacher commented (kind of condescendingly towards him, I guess) "Ma'am, he's really taken a liking to you."

At the end of year 10, his parents sent him somewhere else for his education, which I believe was in his best interest.

9th February 2016, 11:23 AM
I have followed articles on pyschic autistic children with great interest for some time, especially after reading the book Ausomism, by Suzy Miller.

We had an autistic boy at the school who really seemed an unsuitable candidate for integration into a comprehensive high school, even though the boys were quite nice to him, often coming to fetch him of their own accord when he turned up at the wrong classroom. Often, he would become stressed and hit himself so hard that I'd run across the playground and gently take his hand to stop him.

Then he took to isolating himself on an upper veranda (which was duly made safer) and again I'd see him hitting himself. Not really able to leave my "post", I decided to try an experiment and started to send him soothing, loving thoughts every time I'd see him this way and, it seemed to me at least, he'd calm down.

Then, one day, we were having a year meeting and the kids had to sit on the carpeted floor. This kind of change in routine was difficult for him and, when I saw him against the wall, I decided to go sit with him. Again, I focused on sending soothing, loving thoughts and he began to shift his body a little closer and angle towards me. A passing teacher commented (kind of condescendingly towards him, I guess) "Ma'am, he's really taken a liking to you."

At the end of year 10, his parents sent him somewhere else for his education, which I believe was in his best interest.

Hi Beekeeper,
That comment from the teacher is so revealing about her inner, she is carrying around so much pain that she need to see someone being hurt or kept outside to cope with her pain, she can not show real compassion before she has healed her own pain, and this is the big issue in our society today, so much hurt and pain not freed and healed in us, it takes currage to face your own inner and free it.

Thank you for this so clear story of how it is in our society.


10th February 2016, 06:58 AM
IA, thanks for the psychoanalysis. Lol!