View Full Version : Questions about NEW

23rd November 2015, 10:57 PM
Hello everyone,

Yesterday a friend of mine told me about Robert Bruce and his NEW technique for energy raising and building the energy body. I read almost the whole book in a matter of a few hours and I was really interested to see how this NEW technique would work for me. The reason why I am so interested in the technique is because I am desperate, I never had any Astral Projection, but sometimes sensations of the start of it, but then nothing happens. Also it seems I had a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening when the energy raised the first time after a traumatic event in my life August 2014. I sometimes have stinging pains in joints since then. Like electric pulse beams that are repeatedly fired on my elbow joints or ankles... It really is painful. never had these sensations ever before. Also I started feeling buzzing energy currents inside that would move, with twitches of muscles, tingling and pinprick sensations almost everywhere... Even the Anus sometimes twitched lol... Sorry :D But I just did not manage yet to have an AP. And then it dawned on me that I only work on my third eye and heart chakra in order to archive an AP, but through Robert's NEW technique I found out that I first need to actually build my energy body, it's just not strong enough yet.

So i tried the technique last night in bed. I went to bed at 10:30 PM and I went to sleep at 1:38 I have no idea where the time went between the exercises and the trance state. It was just very quick...
I was pretty good in feeling the sensations of energy rising through my legs. However it took some time for the legs to respond, it sometimes just feels as if I do not even have legs, I try to scratch the legs etc. but it is so difficult to place my awareness in them. After a few exercises of stirring, brushing and an imagined energy ball traveling through the legs, I finally got it right and could then after a whole body workout go to the Full Body Circuit. It was amazing and I felt the energy rising up the spine, my arms, backside of neck and head and then down the face and into the Sub-Navel Storage!

After these exercises I felt strong buzzing and bubbling sensations in the Sub-Navel. I decided to meditate afterwards. I tried loosening techniques of falling etc. and I felt a few sensations, like falling very quickly, I also suddenly had a white light flash in front of my closed eyes that brought a vision of a crystal clear face to me. It was an older man with black-grey hair. He had blue eyes and according to his expression he was manically laughing. No idea why I saw that, it just suddenly appeared. I heard many, many cracks and tiny creaks in the bed room when I began to stir my awareness fingers in both of my temples. It was like something was actually cracking the floor. I did not bother to open my eyes to look, I just wanted to succeed. But I did not reach the Vibration stage and so i decided to stop and go to sleep. However it was already late anyway.

My question for you guys is, if I practice NEW, what would you suggest? What is your daily routine? Do I need to do the whole body like I did last night with brushing, wrapping, stirring? Or is it enough to do the full body circuit from now one until next week?

After all these exercised I still can feel slight energy movements inside my limbs, sometimes my upper legs suddenly twitch a few times in a row, I felt earlier a tingling sensation around my left cheek, little above the mouth. And also I feel strong energy movements along my head again.

Thank you for your time reading my post! Highly appreciated! :-)

24th November 2015, 01:28 PM
Welcome Tangeria. I'm happy to see the good feedback you're getting from the energy work. I can see you're applying the methods well.

After these exercises I felt strong buzzing and bubbling sensations in the Sub-Navel. I decided to meditate afterwards. I tried loosening techniques of falling etc. and I felt a few sensations, like falling very quickly, I also suddenly had a white light flash in front of my closed eyes that brought a vision of a crystal clear face to me. It was an older man with black-grey hair. He had blue eyes and according to his expression he was manically laughing. No idea why I saw that, it just suddenly appeared. I heard many, many cracks and tiny creaks in the bed room when I began to stir my awareness fingers in both of my temples. It was like something was actually cracking the floor. I did not bother to open my eyes to look, I just wanted to succeed. But I did not reach the Vibration stage and so i decided to stop and go to sleep. However it was already late anyway. You reached the trance state and started getting hypnagogics/vision screens. You were very close to getting to the transition point.

My question for you guys is, if I practice NEW, what would you suggest? What is your daily routine? Do I need to do the whole body like I did last night with brushing, wrapping, stirring? Or is it enough to do the full body circuit from now one until next week? I have been practicing NEW for more than ten years (wow, it's actually been closer to 16) and I still practice it every day.
For the first year or so I would start with brushing and sponging my whole body, then moved on to chakra work, and finished with a full body circuit. But I don't do it as part of a projection practice, I do it independent of it, so I can sleep at night.
Even though I have varied my routine (adding other more specialized exercises), I sponge my whole body inside and out and do a full body storage circuit when I practice. I may blow off the individual chakra work but always do the circuit and the tertiaries and secondaries. It is my preference, it makes me feel good, and focuses my mind- better than 'traditional' meditation, although I do it also when I can.

I usually do my energy work during the day, and if I plan to attempt a projection I try to do it in the morning, and when I do I work in energy raising (full body cuircuit).

24th November 2015, 08:20 PM
Welcome Tangeria. I'm happy to see the good feedback you're getting from the energy work. I can see you're applying the methods well.

Thank you so much for the confirmation CFT (I hope I can call you this way?) Yes I was always better in feeling than anything else, however the seeing and hearing becomes better almost daily. It means something when I hear the vibrations of my husbands cellphone while I sit downstairs and the phone is upstairs. It was first very confusing as I suddenly heard the vibrational pulse of the ringing, then I said to my hubby "I think your phone is ringing" he tried to listen, but did not hear it. And as he got upstairs there was a call missed :)

You reached the trance state and started getting hypnagogics/vision screens. You were very close to getting to the transition point.

Oh wow... So you think a little bit longer and it would have happened? damn it... I stopped then because nothing else was happening... I will remember this for next time, whenever I see these vision flashes it is hypnagogic visions and then I just need to stick with it.

I have been practicing NEW for more than ten years (wow, it's actually been closer to 16) and I still practice it every day.
For the first year or so I would start with brushing and sponging my whole body, then moved on to chakra work, and finished with a full body circuit. But I don't do it as part of a projection practice, I do it independent of it, so I can sleep at night.
Even though I have varied my routine (adding other more specialized exercises), I sponge my whole body inside and out and do a full body storage circuit when I practice. I may blow off the individual chakra work but always do the circuit and the tertiaries and secondaries. It is my preference, it makes me feel good, and focuses my mind- better than 'traditional' meditation, although I do it also when I can.

I have no problems so far with doing it at night, in the matter of fact I can concentrate better at evening anyway. Somehow my energy levels get higher and stronger towards the evening. I usually have problems getting out of bed in the morning. I used to sleep till 10 AM... My husband did not like that. Since the last two nights of doing my energy work in bed I woke up many times in the night and also in the morning at 7 AM. I was not tired at all, which is a huge success for me!

BTW. I think last night in between trying for astral Projection and energy work I had my first success. Even though I said in the morning it was an odd dream. But I need to change my view on it. Here my experience, tell me what that maybe was:

Here the experience:

I was standing in my office room and I somehow realized that I had vision in a red hue. Everything was kind of subtle red but very clear to see, with some blurring effects. Suddenly in the dream I realized that I could see through my closed eyes and I presumed that I was OOB. So I got up from the chair. The vision would blur very quickly and then return back to the red hue sight. I walked a few steps through the room and then turned around because I wanted to make sure that I was in fact Out of Body and could see my real body.

But as I turned around, there was nothing there. (makes no sense really, because I should have known that my body cannot be in the office room) Only my chair and the TV, nothing else. I also remember that I went to the mirror in that room to see if I actually look through my closed eyelids and in fact as I stood in front of the mirror my eyelids were closed. (which makes me think that I am using the third eye vision, and in fact this vision for me is in a red hue for odd reasons. Every time I would look at something and then close my eyes the scene would glow up again with a red hue and white or colored highlights. It was the same vision last night)

Sadly I have no idea how it continued from here. But I think I need to condition myself to belief what I experience, I never had a dream like this before and obviously it did not look like a dream at all. However there were things missing. The cage of my bird was not in that room, I saw the TV and my computer chair, but nothing else that is normally there. But funny enough the mirror was there when I decided somehow to look if I am in fact looking through closed eyes. Which my mirror reflection showed! I had closed eyes but could see myself. After that I do not remember anything at all

25th November 2015, 06:57 PM
I would say that you had an OBE with very little lucidity, in which you missed the exit. The red hue you mention is not uncommon as per etheric vision- since you are not seeing with eyes, but with 'radar' (your etheric body is in itsef the perceptual mechanism), the information you are perceiving can be 'seen' as grainy, tinged with colors in grayscale (I see more like the greenish-gray color you get with night vision goggles) when I'm out in the real time zone. So it seems to me you were out in a spontaneous OBE.

26th November 2015, 03:04 AM
I would say that you had an OBE with very little lucidity, in which you missed the exit. The red hue you mention is not uncommon as per etheric vision- since you are not seeing with eyes, but with 'radar' (your etheric body is in itsef the perceptual mechanism), the information you are perceiving can be 'seen' as grainy, tinged with colors in grayscale (I see more like the greenish-gray color you get with night vision goggles) when I'm out in the real time zone. So it seems to me you were out in a spontaneous OBE.

Wow thank you so much CFT! Yes I thought that this was what it was. A spontaneous OBE. But if it was an OBE how could have missed the exit? I do not understand this really, how can someone have an OBE when they missed the exit?

BTW. RB said that in the first times we use NEW for building energy body we can experience blisters etc, as response from the nerves. I think I just had one that looked like a pimple it just suddenly appeared right side above my moth beside the nose. It was suddenly red. But then after a minute it completely disappeared! I never saw this before, that it would go away so fast!

27th November 2015, 04:30 PM
You can project while unconscious. So you have the experience of being outside of the body, without being aware of the exit. It can also happen very quickly, one second you're getting comfy, the next you're floating next to your bed. The second one is more common in childhood (at least for me), but it does happen.