View Full Version : Can't you go into the future with Astral Projection/Out of Body Experiences?

Jesse Smith
11th January 2016, 08:50 PM
If you can, why don't those of you that have mastered this, have an out of body experience and go back to the future and get the Powerball Jackpot numbers??!! (I'm just starting the book, so I think a winner will definitely be drawn before my 91 days are up!!)

If you can go into the future, your welcome! You can thank me with $25,000,000 via PayPal! lol! :-D

12th January 2016, 02:14 AM
You'd have to know which one the probable future is, and be able to 'go' there. Good luck with that.

12th January 2016, 04:22 AM
You'd have to know which one the probable future is, and be able to 'go' there. Good luck with that.
My thoughts, exactly. The future is not set in stone. The path can change, subtly or drastically, at any moment, for all kinds of reasons, big and so small you'd never guess their effect. That's the nature of chaos (in the mathematical sense) and, from what I've experienced, the nature of reality.

12th January 2016, 04:44 AM
Hey Jesse,

in my opinion it is possible and I think if you are ready to win such a thing in all your levels also the unconscious ones then you should be able to do that. To see the number and keep them form changing. But with the slightest doubt you want see it clearly enough and the future will change.

Its the same with manifesting.

All the best

12th January 2016, 01:19 PM
There are some who claim to have done this. They brought back some numbers that then really were drawn. But due to reality and probability fluctuations and data reading/download problems it is not an easy task.

12th January 2016, 03:23 PM
plus also that if there was someone really onto this , they'd keep it under wraps , i.e hushed.

what I mean to say is that if you discover a "goldmine" your'e very likely to keep it to yourself.

plus there are other serious repercussions , say like if the government gets a hold of , your'e most likely fate is then to be a lab rat for the rest of your days.

Jesse Smith
12th January 2016, 05:12 PM
I figured that all you would have to do is know the time of the drawing, go into the future shortly after that time, where you are just looking at your computer, and then when that time comes, make sure your computer is on at the Powerball page that has the numbers, with the browser open to the page for say a few hours so it's easier to get to a good time! You make sure you memorize the numbers and do it a few times if you need to to get the numbers.

You simply don't tell any one how you got the numbers and the government would never know! Heck, no one would believe you if you told them you went back to the future!!! lol

13th January 2016, 06:25 AM
I meant if anyone was actually doing it , they wouldn't be talking of it , i.e "the gold mine effect".

13th January 2016, 12:37 PM
The other question is also about karma and your higher self. What could we learn from winning 25 million? Wouldn't we go crazy? Wouldn't we also attract a lot of bad karma? And would our higher self let us use our spiritual learning process aka obe to get something like that?

Just throwing questions in the room..

13th January 2016, 06:15 PM
I don't think winning the lottery would bring bad Karma- a number of dollars or pounds or lira doesn't determine your Karma, what you do with it is what counts. I think if a person is well-intentioned, they can do a lot of good with it. Grace is also a factor.