View Full Version : Astral Projection and Telekinesis/Telepathy

19th January 2016, 09:27 PM
Hi Robert,

I am happily going through the MAP program and am seeing a great amount of success with it. I had a question about Astral Projection, specifically from one of your methods, the Virtual Reality Projection. This technique really intrigued me, and since then, I have been collecting high-quality images of locations and individuals (such as celebrities, characters from television shows, etc.) to create an image to project into once I successfully project. The question I had was about learning/enhancing energy techniques whilst in the astral. I know there are some characters from fiction that have telekinesis abilities, let's say for example, Jedi users in the Star Wars universe. If I were to project into the image of a Jedi training environment, and spoke/train with one of the Jedi instructors there, would there be a way to get advice on increasing my energy abilities, such as helping aide in my telekinesis training once I returned to my body? I am not looking for anything outrageous, but it would be amazing just to be able to move small objects, or even learn any other psychic abilities from these individuals, such as telepathy. I was curious if you had any experience with this, since I remember having a dream about a character teaching me a dance routine, and when I woke up, I remembered the dance routine, which I had not known about before I went to sleep the previous night.

Thanks so much!!