View Full Version : OBE meditation - what causes excess heat and sweating

25th February 2016, 05:06 PM
Last night I attempted an OBE and used a guided meditation at night to do this. The attempt was going well, but I fell asleep for about 10-15 minutes. When I came to again it was towards the end of the recording and I continued my attempt. Around this time I became excessively hot, so hot I felt like I was sweating "gallons of sweat". I tried to work through it but the feeling was so intense that it blocked my attempt and I had to give up.

Now i I should note that it is February and I live in the Northern hemisphere. I never get hot like that at night, not even in the summer. Once I stopped the meditation everything went back to normal so I'm pretty sure this was something to do with my OBE attempt.

so my question for Robert, does the heat and sweating signify a blockage in my body, or is this one of those mental mind challenges that you have to overcome to have a successful exit? I'm a nube at this so it could be a technique issue as well.