View Full Version : Evidence for raising our vibration?

Buck Rogers
18th March 2016, 03:49 PM
Hi folks

I'm fairly new here and haven't got that deep into energy work but I have ready quite a lot and find many people talking about raising their energy vibration by doing meditation and healing etc. This sounds great but I just wonder is there any scientific evidence we can indeed raise our energetic vibration? And what is our energetic vibration in layman terms anyway?

I'm open to just about any possibility but I have what may be called a health scepticism for anything I haven't experienced myself.

18th March 2016, 04:40 PM
I believe the term 'raising your vibration' is a term that was coined by theosophy at a time where certain scientific discoveries were being made, and since the idea of 'other dimensions', 'chakras', and 'other worlds' were being synchretized, the terminology stuck on many of the aspects- for example, the chakras were assigned 'colors' of ascending frequency, and the term 'higher' (as in, 'more evolved') became synonimous with 'of a higher frequency'. Of course, the people that came up with these types of labels were not scientifically savvy, but the terminology was easy to conceptualize (for example, 'of a higher frequency' sounds like 'lighter', and that means that the lighter the less physical') and the use of this terminology stuck. Unfortunately, people with dogmatic mindsets usually begin to take these things literally, and end up believing that nonphysical places have 'frequency', which is absurd. But it is handy terminology.
Consider it as a system of correspondences, which makes it easier to visualize.

18th March 2016, 11:09 PM
I dont know I have a problem declaring anything "absurd" when our knowledge and understanding of this phenomenon is ridiculously lacking . And dogma can come from any and all directions. Science is loaded with it.

19th March 2016, 06:11 AM
At either end of it, I'd soon as be centered or there abouts aloft...per se. For the top would surely topple if weren't the spun aspin. Canon


Of Homespun Correspondences...Storied Time...I lived a thousand years today, yet it seems to have flown by awe-fully quick...in Deed.

Committee...when the bored Board decisively splits...then clean the house nn get to cooking for the entertaining Company arrived.


Truth, Lies & In Between

Blue On Black - http://youtu.be/SWKb861wlAI

I see said the blind man to his deaf wife as he picked up his hammer and saw.


Over The Threshold

LO-VE ... CO-ME ... See Me Crazy

19th March 2016, 02:10 PM
Well, there are some interesting studies of brainwaves in meditating monks, and the frequency of the dominant brainwaves does increase and can be measured. (You can Google that if you're interested in learning more.) So in that sense, there is some evidence that certain "spiritual practices" have measurable effects, but "raising vibration" is a slippery term at best. To me, it has to do with consciousness, and that is expressed through (although I don't believe it is expressed BY, but only THROUGH) the brain, so brainwaves are a reasonably good way to find out that "things happen". Other than that, though, science doesn't even have a real definition for "consciousness" so it's hard to do controlled studies on it... ;)

19th March 2016, 06:01 PM
Our ideas give way to instrumentation which measures our idea, doesn't mean at all that we've understood anything more than our idea. The proof of this is in all of our sciences, that show our hit and miss of ideas. The whole laboratory success vs failure in the field. Power of belief....etc.

"Ideas"..."measurements"..."artificiality"..."virtuality"..."reality"..."ideas"...measurements"......ad nauseum....

19th March 2016, 08:34 PM
I dont know I have a problem declaring anything "absurd" when our knowledge and understanding of this phenomenon is ridiculously lacking . And dogma can come from any and all directions. Science is loaded with it. I'm not talking about any of the beliefs mentioned above, but of the concept of something that has no physical existence having frequency. Frequency literally means something physical oscillating at a particular beat. For something to oscillate it has to exist in timespace, and except for the etheric plane, astral dimensions are not supposed to exist in timespace. Because of this, it makes no sense to me.
I reiterate that it's a good way to explain the differences in observation as well as the similarities- but dogma happens when someone simply accepts someone else's word for 'how many' or 'how much' there is of something, and believes just because the other person said so.
The article regarding chakras in the mysticism subforum ('light condensing') illustrates aptly just what I'm talking about.

I also agree with you that science is full of dogma- and that is not a good thing either.

20th March 2016, 01:31 AM
Gospel of Thomas

Saying 29

Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

Buck Rogers
21st March 2016, 11:35 AM
Thanks everyone. Although Timothy I have a hard time understanding anything you write :wacky1:

Is it right that we (and everything) are made of atoms, and that they are basically energy, with energy being a vibration. So rather than looking at it from a consciousness point of view, we might actually be raising the vibration of our complete being from the ground up? I agree it is very speculative which is why I was wondering if there was any evidence that has been done scientifically as it has been mentioned in many new age type places.

21st March 2016, 02:26 PM
No, and I'll tell you why.
Years ago I had the same question, and fortunately I had a talk with the (now famous) physicist Fred Alan Wolfe. This is before he was famous, before What the Bleep had come out. I found him by accident because I had questions and knew no one that was qualified to ask, as I no longer knew any physicists.
I asked him about the business of 'raising your vibrations', and 'becoming lighter', and he also agreed that it was physically contradictory, because any object that has mass, becomes more massive (not less) when the frequency goes higher, because of the extrapolation of E=mc2 ; mass and speed are inversely proportional to each other- if your physical body increased its' vibration (and you didn't die) you would become more massive, not less, until you reached the speed of light, in which you would become nearly infinitely massive, and you'd be so massive that time would stop.
Now the only reason light 'can go at the speed of light' while staying 'the lightest', is that light has no resting mass- even if it stops moving (making it's frequency as near zero as possible), photons have no resting mass to begin with. This opens up a bunch of other forms of inquiry that are beside the scope of this post.
But our physical bodies, which are made of atoms with neutrons, electrons and protons, all particles with resting mass, can't raise the vibration to get 'lighter'.
Only light can do it, because it never had any mass to begin with.

21st March 2016, 10:43 PM
Now the only reason light 'can go at the speed of light' while staying 'the lightest', is that light has no resting mass- even if it stops moving (making it's frequency as near zero as possible), photons have no resting mass to begin with. This opens up a bunch of other forms of inquiry that are beside the scope of this post.
But our physical bodies, which are made of atoms with neutrons, electrons and protons, all particles with resting mass, can't raise the vibration to get 'lighter'.
Only light can do it, because it never had any mass to begin with.

Awesome stuff rot thar. ;)

22nd March 2016, 07:33 AM
Although Timothy I have a hard time understanding anything you write :wacky1:
Think of it as symbolic dream poetry. :) ;)