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4th March 2016, 04:39 PM
Hi Robert,

I am what may seem to be a familiar crossroads to many. My father passed away in sad circumstances and I would like to reach out to him to check whether he is ok or not.
I consider lucid dreaming as a way to do this, but in your experience can we find our loved ones or do we end up talking to aspects of ourselves?

The other issue is whether continued checking in and support is of any use to people who have passed on, or is it better for both sides to let go?

Best Regards

4th March 2016, 07:52 PM
In my experience you connect to your loved one who has passed when you "calm down" from the dramatic grief you feel at first. The emotions of this initial stage sometimes cloud the mind, so if you do get contact, you might not be sure if the experience is wish-fulfillment.
It is my understanding that when they pass, they go through a time of self-absorption of sorts- that 'reviewing your life and figuring out what you were supposed to do". This can take a little time, but not always.
In my own experience, I got to see my dad about a year after he passed, and I got to see my mom almost right afterwards (in an apparition of sorts) and then a month after. It's not that she needed less processing, is that I had more of an instinct about when to try.
So, give it a few weeks until the initial shock has passed, and then use affirmations to ask your subconscious for a meeting with your dad. It doesn't have to be lucid, but it probably will.

29th March 2016, 10:11 PM
It is my understanding that when they pass, they go through a time of self-absorption of sorts- that 'reviewing your life and figuring out what you were supposed to do". This can take a little time, but not always.

Thanks CFT, I can even see myself having a quick review when it is time, but really I don't see it as absolutely necessary. My reason for thinking lucid dreaming as it seems a natural way to make a more conscious connection between realities.

The more I thought about it, I started to wonder if keeping contact was necessary, as they may simply be less concerned about this consensus reality as they become more involved in the one they inhabit. Even becoming less concerned about grandchildren, as they would simply represent another spirit in child form.

That question probably doesnt have a general answer, I guess I'll find out when I make the connection.