View Full Version : Astral Time Travel and Possession Imprint

4th April 2016, 05:40 AM

Ive been doing personal academic research on my own the past few years on this topic and found that this thread talks about what I'm interested in.


Basically, I've been told that there have been claims made where people have been able to go to the past and make changes and possess your younger self to make a different choice and do something different.

I've been practicing OBE and Astral Projection and haven't had much luck but have had it happen many years back but was scared back into my body because of the shadow people I ran into outside my garage. I did open the door and go outside but the shadow people stepped in and scared me and I woke up.

I'm trying to go 10 years back into the past in 2006, specifically the date: 6/6/06, the day before my birthday where I was contemplating as to what to do after high school and wanted to get into college. I basically want to convince myself and tell/possess myself to go to my dad and ask him to help me out with the forms to go to medical school in Mexico so that I can become a MD at a young age and pursue my Ph.Ds after.

I want to reassure myself that my dad will let me stay with a good family, and that I'll be in a good English speaking area, since it's basically like America and that I'll be able to watch tv, play my games and work out at the time, since the area is no different than the US and is filled with cool international students.

So basically, I want to do a Astral Projection to that time period and transfer my qualia and memories of now and possess myself to go to medical school so as to keep myself from running into trouble 2 years later that has severely scarred me for life.


(ps. Any answer from other people are encouraged also and would definitely like some input as to how to manifest this to happen. Thx.)