View Full Version : Any ideas and recommendations pls

11th April 2016, 10:02 PM
Hi Guys, can anybody recommend contact details of somebody else out there that I can email to ask occasional questions about OBEs? Obviously Rob is not replaying any longer, I tried Thomas Campbell as he used to respond to his “Big Toe” email but that appears to have stopped as well, and another person I wanted to contact is William Buhlman but that he only gives his publisher's email. It's a lonely world for those who want to grow spiritually ☹



12th April 2016, 01:45 PM
Robert answers when you post in the 'Ask Robert' forum. He doesn't do it consistently, but he does come in and look at the questions when he has the time.

12th April 2016, 05:57 PM
Hi Guys, can anybody recommend contact details of somebody else out there that I can email to ask occasional questions about OBEs? Obviously Rob is not replaying any longer, I tried Thomas Campbell as he used to respond to his “Big Toe” email but that appears to have stopped as well, and another person I wanted to contact is William Buhlman but that he only gives his publisher's email. It's a lonely world for those who want to grow spiritually ☹


Why do you seemingly only want to ask the "expert celeb luminaries"? Why not ask here in the forum just in general?

Of course it's great to have feedback from the famous ones. I also had answers from Robert Bruce (there's some waiting time indeed) in this forum and from Tom Campbell via pm years ago, and yes, it seems he stopped doing that. I also were in conversations in a thread with Juergen Ziewe (on the Astralpulse) and Kurt Leland (in this forum) who are also book authors on OBE.

Still, you can always get good advice or at least opinions that might be helpful from fellow 'normal' APers on forums like these. Just saying.

Welcome to here, by the way. :-)

13th April 2016, 10:01 PM
Robert answers when you post in the 'Ask Robert' forum. He doesn't do it consistently, but he does come in and look at the questions when he has the time.

Thank you.

I will wait for Robert then. I appreciate he must be busy, after all he is our one expert down under to my knowledge.

13th April 2016, 10:10 PM
Thanks Sinera,

It's not so much that I am interested in the fact that they are 'celebs' or famous but that they are experts. There are a lot of common people on the net with religious beliefs and preconceptions that interpret OBEs etc. through these and I do not relate to it. The experts tend to be a bit more universal in their interpretations and self aware as they aim to reach to a wider audience with their work. If I was residing in the states, I'd be undertaking classes at Monroe, but instead I am in Townsville Australia where I have not come across one single parson till date who even heard of this stuff :-) It's like this town is still catching up with Darwinism as a step a decade before the New Age.

14th April 2016, 07:43 AM
There are a lot of common people on the net with religious beliefs and preconceptions that interpret OBEs etc. through these and I do not relate to it.
On this forum, there are not many of this dogmatic kind you talk about. Many here or on similar forums like e.g. on the Astralpulse are just like these experts, very open minded and neither fall for one of the two extremes in the spectrum between materalist scientism and religious dogmatism. Most are far from it. I'm not religious at all. Many here would say so about themselves too.

14th April 2016, 12:36 PM
My sympathies to the people of Townsville Australia nn good luck to them.:mrgreen:

14th April 2016, 10:33 PM
My sympathies to the people of Townsville Australia nn good luck to them.:mrgreen:


To be fair, I moved here from Melbourne and it was not that much better there in that regard. At least in Northern & Far North QLD there are obvious pockets of people who believe in extraterrestrials (as a refreshing novelty! :-) Cardwell is a town that apparently gets visited.. It's a really small town, so much so, that they decided to make a tourist attraction out of it. Consequently there are TWO statues of an alien: one made out of Christmas lights, and the other one at the local 24 hrs burger place (good burgers, highly recommend ;-)). And now I hear things got really serious - they have a yearly UFO Festival! ;-)

14th April 2016, 10:35 PM
Good to know :-)

15th April 2016, 05:09 PM
On this forum, there are not many of this dogmatic kind you talk about. Many here or on similar forums like e.g. on the Astralpulse are just like these experts, very open minded and neither fall for one of the two extremes in the spectrum between materalist scientism and religious dogmatism. Most are far from it. I'm not religious at all. Many here would say so about themselves too.
What he said :-D and also, we have awesomely wise mods, they really give great answers. And also- welcome to the forum! hope you enjoy your time here.

15th April 2016, 09:05 PM
Thanks dontco.

16th April 2016, 09:38 AM
What he said :-D and also, we have awesomely wise mods, they really give great answers. And also- welcome to the forum! hope you enjoy your time here.

Thank you Dontco and CFTTraveler, god to feel welcomed :-) I am still a beginner to the practical side, theoretically much wiser... but that's the thing, isn't? - merging one with the other.

17th April 2016, 03:54 AM
Hi Guys,

Since you have been so responsive and nice to me I was wondering whether you could help me out. Below is the question I had to Bruce.

"Dear Bruce,

Since November last year I have been meditating intensively (I was at home following a lower back injury for several months not working, with no other commitments). It’s has been almost 6 months now and I have not succeeded with experiencing out of body experience. I have experienced vibrations, various sensations that feel like pressure changes etc. My life has become richer and I can observe number of synchronicities unfolding every day however no lack with the actual separation. I will try to be as honest as I can and describe in details what I do. I recognise that I am achieving a stage that feels like a rushing type of movement, when every thing feels like it’s contracting towards one point however that occurs without any noise or sounds like what some people describe. My issue is that when I get to that stage (that sometimes takes 2 hrs to get to) the rushing feeling it’s a bit like a turbulence and two feelings are accompanying it: one, my eyes start to move very fast like a rapid eye movement that unfortunately causes me to open my eyes and blows the whole thing out, the other felling that occurs is… not a heart palpitation per se but like a heart arrhythmia - I can feel several singular heart beats that feel very laud and echoing through my chest. Initially, that would scare me and I could feel adrenaline rush that would cause my hands to sweat cold, and I think this was also stopping me from progressing. These two symptoms, the eye movement and the arrhythmia are 100% given, they occur every time when I achieve that rushing / contracting stage.

Yesterday, I thought to get creative. I was home alone, I had time, I switched off all the air-conditioning units in the house and fans (I live in a tropical Queensland), I switched off WI-FI, I moved my recliner chair so my head was facing perfect North, and I thought in order to avoid the eye opening problem I will use the ping pong balls the Ganzfeld’s experiment style. I also put a lamp with red light over me. I did that to maintain the feeling of no stimulation even when my eyes open. I have tried using eye covering in the past but I would still open my eyes under it and the material would rub my eye making it quite painful and distracting. Once I set it all up, I first meditated to Between Worlds from Monroe that puts me into a deep trance state when I can feel my body getting very heavy and the vibrations become obvious. Following that, I set up my playlist to play the Hemi Sync Meditation track that I understand is predominantly pink noise and the delta /theta beats. An hour and a bit into it, I was half way through the hemi sync recoding I experienced the heart arrhythmia, but I kept breathing evenly and then I experienced the eye movement sensation, I could tell my eyes opened for a bit but it did not destroy the experience luckily and I kept going on. I got to feel the rushing / contracting feeling (as if I was rushing through a tunnel without seeing the tunnel – I really don’t know how to accurately describe it) and then it stopped, and I felt lightweight. Saying that, I did not see anything, I could still feel my heavy body pressed into the fabric of the recliner chair at the same time as I was feeling the lightweight. I could also hear the sounds in the room (like the geckos making noises) and the Hemi Sync recording but the sounds were changed as if they were further away from me. I did hear like a very subtle thin new noise that was a bit electric, outside of the pink noise. The new noise was like something you get to hear when walking into a room where there is a lot of electrostatic energy, very subtle. For few minutes I was just ‘hovering’ like that unable to move or see anything. Eventually, I gave up and decided to wake up. I felt really refreshed like after a good afternoon nap.

I would really appreciate if you could suggest anything, I don’t even know what was that exactly and what to do next. It has been so many months I am religiously meditating that I am getting to the stage of giving up all together and calling it all BS. I should add I am not very imaginative person. I am much better with sounds and smells, which is why most of the methods out there completely don’t work for me. For instance when I meet people I do not recall their faces or what they were wearing but I will remember how they felt and entire sentences they said to me even a long time later. At school I never needed to make any notes. Any info, I will be grateful for.



....This occurred several times now.I am pretty sure the feeling I experience is a shift in density but I am not out, I am certainly not able to see anything, I just feel light, awake and all the cloudiness sort of thing dissolves in my head and I can hear myself sleeping. I wonder whether the seeing issue is because I am such not a picture person, I have the worst attention to detail, can drive to the same place for a year and still don't know how to get there sort of thing...I do have a good switching off ability tho.. when I am surrounded by a crowd I can cut them off completely and not notice anybody - that ability always helped me to do well at uni with exams etc. I wonder whether there is anyway in which I can use what I' m good at to help myself rather than trying to develop the imaginative skills as I am afraid that may not happen (like no joke, I have been in a relationship for 12 years and when I think of my other half when I am at work I cannot remember his face!).

22nd April 2016, 04:09 PM
Hi Maria.
What you describe can be called a few things- it has happened to me a few times. It seems that because of the third eye stimulation given by the ganzfeld effect, you had an astral projection (with a tunnel exit) but did not have an OBE in the strict sense of the word, since what you projected was your conscious awareness without having a 'mind split' effect, instead perceiving the bilocation that usually is not present in the beginnings of a projection practice.
Since bilocation is not something that the brain accepts as possible, and because of the 'physicality' of a real time zone projection, usually a mind split effect happens, with the strongest 'input' being received first, and the weakest next, so usually OBEs are perceived as sequential events in which you get out, come back, and are only in one place at a time, but in reality, you are 'there' and 'here' at the same time, but usually don't remember it that way, unless you have had a few years of practice and the mind starts accepting a different reality.
It is possible that you're in the stage in which you can exit without paralysis and can perceive bilocation, or somehow short-circuited the process combining hemi synch and the ganzfield effect (which usually causes visuals,) and that is possibly why you had this 'remote viewing'/tunnel exit/staying in body combination experience.
I'm not sure what advice I can give you, it really depends on what you're trying to do. I just go with the flow with whatever happens, and when I exit without being paralyzed, I try to do an exit technique that allows me to move out without moving my body, but it's not that easy.

22nd April 2016, 09:06 PM
I agree with CF :-) probably mind split. IMHO, keep practicing, you will consciously go out of the body at some point, if you do. Maybe you should see a doctor about the arrhythmia.

23rd April 2016, 12:10 PM
Thanks CFT Traveler. I do experience sleep paralysis very much so, I just can't see anything and I don't 'get out'. This makes me wonder whether I do not get out sort of speak because I do not have the imaginary skills. I have taken hallucinogenics before, everybody around me was tripping and I did not get any visuals what so ever.

23rd April 2016, 12:25 PM
Can I also ask, how long does it take you, now that you are experienced to OBE? Is it only during your night sleep? I am asking as I was watching Thomas Campbell the other day and this guy talks about being able to do it at will, he provides examples of walking in the park and talking to a friend while having OBEs, or just putting on pink noise for few minutes and off you go. I wonder whether there is anybody on this forum who got to that stage?

I was once was sitting in a meeting and I had experienced like a sensation where everything in front of my decomposed, I could see air being made of particles, and I felt like I was not really there and my senses just switched off, the people around the table (there were about 12 of them) kind of zoomed out as if they ere far away and the sound was completely gone. Following that I was seeing haze around people, animals and objects for 3 weeks. I thought I had a brain tumour or something, got tested and everything and eventually it went away.

23rd April 2016, 05:41 PM

Total Eclipse of the <3 -
04/15/2014 GMT

24th April 2016, 12:32 AM
Thank you Timothy... well, my heart gets the arrhythmia ;-)

25th April 2016, 04:32 PM
Can I also ask, how long does it take you, now that you are experienced to OBE? Is it only during your night sleep? I am asking as I was watching Thomas Campbell the other day and this guy talks about being able to do it at will, he provides examples of walking in the park and talking to a friend while having OBEs, or just putting on pink noise for few minutes and off you go. I wonder whether there is anybody on this forum who got to that stage?
I've been projecting spontaneously since I was a child, but when I decided to learn how to do it on purpose it took me approximately two to three months. If I were going to give a guess, I'd say give it three months of steady practice after you've found a method you're comfortable with, and stick with it for that long before looking for something new.

I was once was sitting in a meeting and I had experienced like a sensation where everything in front of my decomposed, I could see air being made of particles, and I felt like I was not really there and my senses just switched off, the people around the table (there were about 12 of them) kind of zoomed out as if they ere far away and the sound was completely gone. Following that I was seeing haze around people, animals and objects for 3 weeks. I thought I had a brain tumour or something, got tested and everything and eventually it went away.
It sounds like you went into a deep trance possibly followed by slight depersonalization. This self-adjusts if you realize it's a perceptual phenomenon, but if it causes you consternation, then maybe deep meditative practices are not for you.