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View Full Version : This was very very very wierd

David Mustardseed
9th August 2006, 08:01 PM
Dear Robert

This is a bit of an emergency. The last year I have had progressingly better OBEs . I now basically master the concious exit, wilds and have had some odd 800 exits. Recently I had a very troubling experience that I would like to ask you about.

In this particular exit I was met by a group of people led to a small room of hewn stone and I was presented with a golden sword. It seemed to be made out of one piece of Gold, with the handle as an old fashioned knights cross. As I came out of the astral I noticed an very new experience.

As the vibrations subcided it seemed my legs started to strech as if they were rubber, they seemed to be like live rubberbands. Then suddenly I felt that there was an animal or something inside my buttocks, it was very very much like a snake just churning slowly around my lower back and buttocks. The sensation was very frightening.

I broke the phenomana by getting up and writing it down, it was a bit hard but i managed and it stopped it cold.

I heard about the Kundalini and have had burning sensations in my back as well as many other signs but I DO NOT want to raise the Kundalini as I believe my belief system and recent change is too fragile.

How do I stop this

My OBEs are becoming increasingly more exieting. I have ade many friends intervieved a lot of people and learned a lot about all sorts of things. Is there any way I can make that Kundalini stay dormant and still proceed with having OBEs



Robert Bruce
17th January 2007, 02:25 PM

Kundalini is an energy seed that exists in all humans. Its purpose is, when triggered, to begin evolving persons to higher levels of consciousness.

This is nothing to be frightened of.

Spontaneous kundalini awakenings sometimes happen of their own accord.

To slow this process down, it would be necessary to cease spiritual practices, including energy work and deliberate OBE exits that involve energy work.

OBE exits involve a lot of energy movement and are in themselves a source of spiritual energetic development.

Apart from avoiding direct energy work and meditation, I don't think this energy can be returned to dormancy.

Again, please do not be afraid of this. This is a good thing. Kundalini awakens inner genius and will elevate your consciousness. How far this will go will depend upon what you do with this.

Take care, Robert