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View Full Version : I think I received my first symbol from my guides, now what

22nd April 2016, 05:11 AM
Last night I was meditating and after a while into it as I was practicing my energy work, I had this "symbol" pop in my head. It was a vulture-like image. The reason I think it was a symbol of was because it was in a 'block type' form. (I.e. Like a print block letter but shaped like a vulture) There was no context to the image or any other thoughts in my head to give me any kind of guidance on it. I haven't had anything like this happen before (at least not with symbols), so I don't know how to validate the symbol or understand what it means.

For those who receive symbols from their guides, I'd like advice on how to build the skill.

22nd April 2016, 10:49 AM
Hi Honeybadger400,

I have bean wrestling with myself if I should write my thoughts about symbols, so here I go, I have found this to be in so many levels so it is
not easy to write or to express from what view I should tell.

So I only say, have you noticed or singeled out the symbols what is towards you and your development , and the others what has to do with
other things about suroundings, levels, pointing at dreams you had or will see in dreams .

There are so many details to be noticed, and if you miss them it will make the symbol hard to understand.

All senses are improtant, all 5, seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, smelling and the 6:th sense also.


24th April 2016, 03:25 PM
Symbols can be hard to decipher. Sometimes it can take years before it makes sense, actually. I can give you some hints on how to work it out, but no guarantees.

What does it mean to you? Think of words you associate with it. A vulture may mean something completely different to you than it does to me, but here are some of my thoughts on it.

Vultures are carrion eaters. They clear away the dead and, essentially, recycle it. They are associated with death. They're also associated with lack of pity, i.e., vultures circling a dying creature, just waiting to get in there and feast (personally, I don't see vultures this way, but it's a common metaphor). Vultures are often misunderstood, and seen in a bad light, when they're actually a vital part of the ecosystem.

There are probably more, but these are just the thoughts that come to mind for me. Since this isn't my symbol at all, nothing resonates with me, but when I do this kind of work on my own stuff, I just work at it in that manner until something feels correct, and keep going whatever direction seems like the right one. It can take some practice, and, as I said, some symbols take years to figure out, but one day, possibly sooner or possibly later, it just becomes clear.

24th April 2016, 11:30 PM
True. Without our opportunistic carrion eaters like vultures and buzzards...dis-ease from decomposing animal-life would dis-solutionally consume all flesh-borne life. Looks like a good symbolic sign.