View Full Version : IIH cheat-sheet

16th June 2016, 01:59 PM
Cheat-sheet for Franz Bardon's Initiation Into Hermetics
EDIT: The image turned out a little small, so here is a reference link to the full version: https://www.scribd.com/doc/315511444/Franz-Bardon-s-Initiation-Into-Hermetics-Cheat-Sheet

16th June 2016, 02:07 PM
This is awesome! It will motivate me to keep going with it.

16th June 2016, 03:08 PM
I agree. Very encouraging to see an order of development.
Just wondering what 'CHEAT' means. Is it short for something ?

16th June 2016, 03:13 PM
I agree. Very encouraging to see an order of development.
Just wondering what 'CHEAT' means. Is it short for something ?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheat_sheet :)

16th June 2016, 03:23 PM
Ah thanks. I thought it was short for something like IIH.
My days we only had our shirt cuff to scribble on for exams.:(

27th June 2016, 09:54 AM
is it GOD to skip to level 10?
Is it good to skip to black belt in karate?

27th June 2016, 01:47 PM
This image should be readable.


I would like to indicate ... that within the given lifetime, there are some many that attempt to "come by" ... and there are a few that of remembered...Be. Yet, even to ha've come by ° ... is to within a given memory ... toward passion's firing re-membrance. Uprising Phoenix

Renegades - http://youtu.be/kSJhrO2Ydao

But, don't put your hope in Hollywood's. For the guarantee has ever been in the Antagonistic forces. Takes a mighty force to strike a Match. However, let there no strikers amongst You...Be.

Come What May
......Take "It"......
....To The Hilt....

My demons faced were mine own, but are yours Your's ... that given face ... were.

"Things" be looking up ... when You ... check "it" out.


Amazing Grace
John 9:3

5th July 2016, 06:57 AM
Sorry folks, I don't wanna be a downer, but this exact thing has existed on A Bardon Companion for years--and in two different formats. The one shown below is at:



And another, quite interesting IIH summary:


Mental [Magical Schooling of the Spirit] --

Step One:
* Mental Discipline --
1) Observance of thoughts.
2) One-pointedness of thought.
3) Emptiness of mind.

Step Two:
* Auto-suggestion.
* Single-sense concentration.

Step Three:
* Multi-sense concentration.
* External projection of images.
* Wrap-around projection of images.

Step Four:
* Transference of consciousness --
1) Into inanimate objects and plants.
2) Into animate animals, insects, etc.
3) Into other humans.

Step Five:
* Space Magic (i.e., "Depth Point" concentration).

Step Six:
* Meditation on your own spirit.
* Becoming conscious of the senses in the spirit.

Step Seven:
* Analysis of the spirit in regards to the practice.

Step Eight:
* Preparation for mental travel.
* The practice of mental travel --
1) In a room.
2) For short distances.
3) Visiting acquaintances, relatives, etc.

Step Nine:
* The practice of clairvoyance through magic mirrors --
1) Viewing through time and space.
2) Having an effect from afar through the magic mirror.
3) Various projection activities through the magic mirror.

Step Ten:
* The ascent of the spirit to higher planes.

Astral [Magical Schooling of the Soul] --

Step One:
* Introspection or self-analysis.
* Preparation of the positive and negative soul mirrors in regards to the Elements.

Step Two:
* Astral or magical equilibrium regarding the Elements, transformation or ennobling of the character.

Step Three:
* Element Breathing: Inhaling the Elements into the whole body.

Step Four:
* Elemental Accumulation --
1) In the entire body.
2) In the individual parts and organs of the body.
* Establishing the harmony of the Elements in the appropriate regions of the body.

Step Five:
* Element projection outwardly --
1) Through the whole body.
2) Through the hands and fingers.
3) Without first passing through your body.

Step Six:
* Preparation to master the Akasha principle.
* Conscious calling forth of states of trance by means of the Akasha.
* Mastering the Elements from the Akasha principle through an individual ritual.

Step Seven:
* The development of the astral senses (clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience) with the aid of the Elements and the Fluid condensers.

Step Eight:
* The Great Now and higher self-analysis.
* Mastery of the Electric and Magnetic Fluids --
1) Control of the Electric and Magnetic Fluids - Inductive Method.
2) Control of the Electric and Magnetic Fluids - Deductive Method.

Step Nine:
* Conscious separation of the astral body from the physical body (i.e., Astral Wandering).
* The impregnation of the astral body with the four divine attributes.

Step Ten:
* Conscious communion with your personal god.
* Communication with deities, etc.

Physical [Magical Schooling of the Physical Body] --

Step One:
* Adapting to a normal and sensible lifestyle as a matter of habit.
* Morning exercises.
* Conscious breathing.
* Conscious eating.
* The magic of water.

Step Two:
* Conscious pore breathing.
* Conscious body posture.
* Body control in every day life.

Step Three:
* Lung and pore breathing of the vital energy in the whole body.
* Lung and pore breathing in the individual parts and organs of the body.
* Impregnation of a room with the vital energy or an idea.

Step Four:
* Rituals and their practical application --
1) Gestures.
2) Body postures.
3) Finger positions.

Step Five:
* Preparation for passive communication with the invisible --
1) Release (exteriorization) of one's own hand.
2) Preparation of the fingers with the help of the pendulum, pencil planchette, etc.
* Practice of passive communication --
1) With one's own guardian spirit or angel.
2) With departed human beings and other beings.

Step Six:
* Conscious creation of entities --
1) Elementals.
2) Larvae.
3) Schemata.
4) Phantoms.

Step Seven:
* The creation of Elementaries (by four different methods).
* Magical animation of pictures.

Step Eight:
* Magical influence through the Elements.
* Fluid (Electric and Magnetic) Condensers --
1) Simple (single-Fluid) condensers.
2) Compound (multi-Fluid) condensers.
3) Fluid condensers for magic mirrors.
4) Preparation of a magic mirror with the help of a Fluid condenser.

Step Nine:
* Treatment of the sick through the ElectroMagnetic Fluid.
* The magic of loading talismans, amulets and precious stones.
* The realization of a wish through ElectroMagnetic spheres in the Akasha (i.e., "Volting").

Step Ten:
* Various methods of acquiring magical capabilities --
1) Suggestion.
2) Telepathy.
3) Hypnosis.
4) Mass hypnosis.
5) Mind reading.
6) Psychometry.
7) Influencing the memory.
8) Working in the Akasha.
9) Room impregnation from a distance.
10) Messages through the air.
11) Exteriorization of only part of the astra-mental body to accomplish certain tasks.
12) Magical invisibility.
13) Advanced practices with the four Elements.
14) Levitation phenomena.
15) Natural phenomena.
16) Power over life and death.

5th July 2016, 08:53 AM
Agapelove: Nice find :).

5th July 2016, 03:52 PM
At any rate, the cool (respectable) thing about Bardon (a true mystic) is/was...he was no Nazi...as he incurred being in a concentration camp for refusing to be a part of the Nazi Occultism/Agenda. Though in his end 1958 ... he did die while again imprisoned. Upper

I wonder what his concentrated insights would be on looking out at our present world. I reckon he'd identify the same "element/s" which he DENIED in his day ... now having total global control. Downer