View Full Version : Astral daddies?

12th July 2016, 01:35 PM
Are there astral training rooms avalibe?

Places where confused thought forms aren't permitted to manifest, places where i can learn from my current problems at the side of my guide where only MY guide can materalize specific odd stuff when i am ready for it. (to learn)

So, does anyone has experience with being guided and protected by the higher forces on such level?

This way to learn is a possibility, right??

So i surrender myself to another co - creator for a while until i am actually ready for it!

Possible or not possible?

So it's like an astral daddy is there to defense over me so to speak... lol.

I'm getting pretty sick of the fact that there's no simple (yes or no) response from the pro travelers on this website, i don't want to buy that book, alright? I think almost no - one here can project. Just baked air.

12th July 2016, 06:36 PM
I'm getting pretty sick of the fact that there's no simple (yes or no) response from the pro travelers on this website
That's because the questions you ask don't have a simple yes or no answer. There are a lot of generalities, and a whole lot of subjective experience, and ZERO hard, cold facts. If you're looking for experts to draw you a map or give you a hard-coded cheat sheet, you're not going to find that. You may find people who CLAIM to know it all and who CLAIM to be able to tell you hard facts, but my advice is to run like hell from people like that. Not that there aren't very experienced people who can share insights and experiences, but the sharing of insights and experiences is the best you'll ever get from someone who knows what they're talking about and isn't trying to rip you off.

i don't want to buy that book, alright?
Fine. *shrug*

I think almost no - one here can project. Just baked air.
If you don't like this community, I suggest you look elsewhere. Do be careful if you find some "expert" who claims to have all the answers, though. Just saying.

12th July 2016, 09:02 PM
If you develop an attitude (with anything ) you are only holding yourself back. Both on this side and the other. And If you are Truly looking for guidance Look to yourself your heart. You get what you give bub. Yes I've been helped many times and guided along ect.. But YOU!!!!!! have to exhibit Potential for Service, you have to hold Promise to them, If they "the elder brother and sisters" dont think you are serious about personal change for the better you can forget it. Im pushing 50 and I cant imagine all the money/time Ive wasted on crap books. You have to be WILLING to do what it takes. IF you spend 20$ on a crap book oh well... It shows you are Trying. And that means Everything. Bitching and complaining = Lazy. And its written all over your aura for them to see, just like we here can read it all over your post. And I dont recommend running from anything, there are lessons to be learned from the greatest of fools/idiots and confidence men. Take what they offer disregard what you like but remember the gems of the earth are buried in the mud.

13th July 2016, 12:25 AM
And I dont recommend running from anything, there are lessons to be learned from the greatest of fools/idiots and confidence men. Take what they offer disregard what you like but remember the gems of the earth are buried in the mud.

To being buried in the mud! ... :toast: Cheers!


But what can heaven not redeem ... when we see that every uniquely descended crystaline snowflake came to be affixed around a single speck of dust.

Snowflake - http://youtu.be/QtIZeSGuGuM

14th July 2016, 09:24 AM
I dont recommend running from anything, there are lessons to be learned from the greatest of fools/idiots and confidence men. Take what they offer disregard what you like but remember the gems of the earth are buried in the mud.
Well, that's true enough. I'm old and jaded, though, and I have no time for that stuff now. I've learned my lessons the hard way by expecting people to give me a step-by-step guide with a full-colour diagram. ;) :D

14th July 2016, 02:18 PM
Well, that's true enough. I'm old and jaded, though, and I have no time for that stuff now. I've learned my lessons the hard way by expecting people to give me a step-by-step guide with a full-colour diagram. ;) :D

Wow! You say so much in a few words. What you can give to yourself of remembrance is what others would never expect in their piece-mealed forgetfulness. But maybe you talk of people having been memorably non-reciprocative.


Being the last of their species... Trees hundreds of years old now die on the mountain peaks of appalachia. Why the forestry fella told me it was because man had done such a fantastic job of keeping wildfires from happenning...that they'd neglected to realize that the cones on the ground couldn't open and allow seed toward germination without a wildfire running thru with the heat great enough to open them thar tight ass cones. Job - EverYman

Fire is a good thing for a good thing to happen at all. Desire<~>Devotion

But most [everyone] imagines to be doing the right thing that altogether ultimately brings about the non-altogether worst thing possible. Why? Trying to piece-meal control a greater all inclusive nature that is grossly misunderstood, "it" to therefore be overridden toward singularly driven "plans". Power<~>Control


Evergreen - http://youtu.be/zOPBlGj1huI

In remembering the Tree at all...we may also realize the importance to overall life within the sacrificial fire that prepares the grounds for the good thing that is the greater all inclusive nature ... understanding in and of It's (Her) own life giving preparednness. Passion<~>Birth


Old and jaded is just the new cool. Gotta be your own cool whilst repeatedly standing under fire. Re-Freshed


Not to worry though...cuz all things work toward the good of God. For the Lord did say that he in his having left...leaves a Fire upon this earth. Ayep


Operatively, is often a good thing when in the [fray of battle] to work unseen within a screening smoke....being under Fire nn All. Ayep

there is Smoke
...there is Fire,

...and quite Enough there IS. 1 Cor. 13 ; 2 Cor. 10

Ref. Luke 14:33 ; Gospel of Thomas (81) both Layton & Doresse comparitively

Ref. Isa. 6:4,9:18-19,14:31,30:27 ; Psa. 104:32,144:5

"Sage works" :wacky1:

How much is too much, where quite enough is? Yagno...

Ref. Jn.5:6-8

You can take a year in this life fully loved, kick it's understanding in the head, wrench it's heartfilled patience out, but you can't finish that body of wild fire which you yourselves unwilling to allow were unwilling to ha've started. Love(LoveXLove) ... OfOne(EachXEvery)

14th July 2016, 09:46 PM
Wow! You say so much in a few words.
Not something I hear a lot, as I tend to be verbose, but I understand that YOU read a great deal from what I wrote, because... well, I know that you did. ;)

You are correct. I summed up thirty or more years in a couple of sentences. I'm in my early fifties now, and the last decade or two has been pretty okay with regard to this kind of thing, but I was raised by very dysfunctional people, so I followed their example because what else was I going to do? And because of my own bad attitude about life and people, I created a lot of unhappy life situations, and created a lot of encounters with people who did not have my best interests at heart. I'm not blaming myself, because being the genesis of something is not the same as being to blame for it, and I didn't know any better, but I did create it all myself.

And when I got fed up with that, I stopped doing it. ;)

I'm still rather jaded, but I've learned how to find people I want to be with, people who I can learn from and learn with. Much better this way, you know? I know you do. ;) :)

16th July 2016, 11:36 PM
I'm sure a lot of people here actually can project

18th July 2016, 08:10 PM
Most of the old timers. Some don't even talk about it, but do anyway.

19th July 2016, 08:58 AM
Not to divert the thread a little, but has anyone had a situation in the astral where their guardian angel had to step in to remedy a situation?

19th July 2016, 02:34 PM
I feel that often in these threads there is absence of clarity: AP vs OBE vs LD...or any admixture thereof and/or beyond. Fields & Lilies ... Holes & Nests

Like as the skin is three layers. Also there is the cloak, the overcoat and the naked, at the ec-centricity in revolving gatherance...there is You. Both ....))))Y((((.... & .... ((((Y))))....simultaneously. This all, or THAT as it were...as entirety...breathing, just as the human skin breathes, lest it completely obstructed die even as one thru the mouth inwardly breathes. Manifold ... Redundancy ... Mesh*


Good Feeling - http://youtu.be/nNGPqsJR5D8

Without You there is no Body of ... Without the Body of...where are You?

Evenly enough, I see a member up right standing, yet in the arms/fit...another member carried...a-cross the threshold.

Oddly enough, I see a one upright standing, yet in the spread...winged in-deeds.

I ask my Self of Me, not Who (being nameless the NaMe), but What to/two/too Me...are You?

For 'as it is'...the seeming great outdoors, One reckons of...In-forming, tis THAT Great Indoors where within the dwelling dweller BE. Standing Under Sky ROUND HOUSED ... Y

Ref. Matt. 22:23-31


Turn On The Lights - http://youtu.be/IlD6BWMZQ2s


Hallel~ui~Jah ... God's Praised BE ... Praise BE to God


...On The Cob...
.......All Ears.......

Yakov/Jacob ... Jacobus/James

Letting...Patience ha've Her perfect Work.

Ref. 1 Cor. 13

Patience - http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=patience

Why I, a name...Me, calling my Self; to even...BE?

Na ... Now

