View Full Version : The Annunaki

17th July 2016, 08:17 AM
Hey guys,

I and some of my friends were talking a lot about the annunaki recently and I wanted to bring this topic up here to.

What do you think about them?

Many sourses say that the annunaki live in the astral plane and no in the material plane but they can materialize with the help of gold and other materials.

Did some of you ever meet with one of them during a travel?

Do you think they still control us or not? And who controls them? Is this all just a controlling over controlling sheme we have hear?

Do you think the annunaki are the same thing as other beeing just named differently?

Let the discussion begin!:cool:

18th July 2016, 08:06 PM
I believe Aunt Clair has written some articles about the Annunaki here and in the River of Enlightenment forums.

19th July 2016, 09:29 AM
I was reading now for a few hours in that forum... Very interesting posts there too.

Thanks for pointing that out.

20th July 2016, 03:09 PM
Are the Annunaki the same as the "Reptillians" or are they different being althogether?

20th July 2016, 04:29 PM
No, the people that believe in them believe there are two 'camps'- the zeta reticulans who are 'evil' (or are not on our side) and the Annunaki, who, being our ancestors, are on our side. They're all reptilians, or reptiloids. (I don't like the term, the dinosaurs were not reptiles, but are thought of that way.) But anyway, since both theories or beliefs come from either channeled materials or highly suspect translations of old texts, I have nothing specific to say about them.

20th July 2016, 05:52 PM
And then there are the "Archons" ... to confuse things a little more ...


20th July 2016, 05:55 PM

the Archons were produced by fractal impact in the dense elementary field arrays (dema) of the galactic limbs, when the Aeon Sophia plunged unilaterally from the galactic core


20th July 2016, 08:55 PM
The archons is a greek translation of a biblical word, (potestates) from the old testament, describing God's 'heavenly hosts'. A certain old religion who has enjoyed a resurgence includes them as the authors of everything that is false in this world (from a metaphysical standpoint) and because of its popularity in modern spiritual internet groups, they have successfully turned the word into something 'bad'. As usually happens in the internet, once a group identifies a word in a metaphysical way, other 'spiritual' groups grab hold of it and make it their own. Like the word 'ego', which in modern 'spiritual' groups means something totally different that what it was coined to mean originally.

21st July 2016, 01:11 PM
A certain old religion who has enjoyed a resurgence includes them as the authors of everything that is false in this world (from a metaphysical standpoint) and because of its popularity in modern spiritual internet groups, they have successfully turned the word into something 'bad'.
By that you mean the ancient Gnostics and the Nag Hammadi stuff, right?

21st July 2016, 08:45 PM
I learned this 20 years ago during towards 4 years working the fire + 4 more years in the discipline of Inipi ceremonies.

In the precise patterned criss crossing skeletal framework is a star symbol with 8 points being positive forces, and circumstancially another 8 negative forces to within the criss crossed members. All total 16 Great Mysteries. The whole of which grounded in the earth, each member in thier 8 lengths as beginning/end (reflectively... which is which), or 16 groundings.

32 + Door = 33

These not being polarities as 8 to 8, but rather being essentially Good & Evil. For what is good incorporates what is bad, both instinctively and intuitionally...or...survivalistically and harmoniously. Polarized Coexistence ... Nonencroachment/Nontrespass ... Predispositional Healthy Boundaries

Here we see a 2D matrix, where points are like reflective glancing mirrors along with it's beaming criss crossing members...productively of a 3D erected mindset owing the power of belief to circumstantial happenstance vs the 4D whole being the Womb.

Let us not forget that upon birth, the child is kept, the afterbirth/placenta is maximized ... even eaten/consumed by/of the Mother to-ward (trans-muting) IMMUNE properties to within the breast milk , and only the wash is thrown out upon the ground.


22nd July 2022, 10:59 PM
think the anunukis were negative malevolent beings.