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23rd August 2016, 01:56 PM
# sanity is the ultimatum... you create your own reality #

Sanity is the proof of beauty, it knows love. A lot of new (age) spirituality makes "progress" without much emphasis on sanity.
"Religion" per se, is much more strict: if it is not sane, to a fact, it does not work.

My realisation of sanity is that peace is the product of any sort of faith, and that lesson - peace IS a lesson - needs sane
thinking for its analytical resolve. ie, mental strength where forgiveness would be default. I do not think one should keep
forgiving and releasing negs to come try it again later. You actually have to out-think them, to dissolve problems they are/know.

Sanity is:
a) self: being conscious of thought (own)
b) ecstasy: being conscious of beauty (appreciate it)
c) identity: synthesising (a) and (b) to mean one ego (more or less humble)

self + ecstasy = identity [yes literally]

That's the shortcut I present. The rest is living and learning, practicing and praying, however you do that.

Hope you like, have fun. o

24th August 2016, 01:40 PM
i thought i should add some more knowledge.

clairvoyance: the ability to see past and future
- to see past acknowledge self as real
- to see future recognise fun is good

clairaudience: the ability to hear now
- the truth is the one with the enlightenment; everything in clairaudience calls itself reasonable, "enlightened" is the real one

psychic mediums listen to the enlightened aspect of the higher self while determining that "future is past," ie you're already there. ordinary clairvoyants just see success. see them (psychics) as opportunities to know when NOT to see one. every adept psychic knows to see other humans as reasonable. so u too.

"negs" are spirituo-religious energies. transmuting energies (psycho-spiritual transformation) hence is key. the "sender" will not have to own it unless it was deliberate... ie unless black magic is being attempted.

the difference between pure clairvoyance and negs is a healthy mind. so the mind is vital in transforming energies. out-thinking negs means affirming CONSCIOUS truth. the more conscious anything gets the closer it is to love than to hate. hate is not conscious of the truth, just says so. the only defence you need to that is to be a kind soul, that is to understand peace...

*using your mind you can undo evil*


8th October 2016, 11:50 PM
at the end of the realization of beauty (magic) one might find him/herself wondering, "where is the problem hiding," so I send you this...

how do you turn soul into life?:

phase 1:
- connect with universal intelligence
- know better

phase 3:
- forgive the fools...

cheers oly

11th October 2016, 03:45 PM
Very interesting thoughts.

28th October 2016, 08:00 PM
the teabag trick: a safe way to awaken psychic abilities...

next you have a cup of tea, courteously request the teabag, "are you honest?" and whatever reply you get is OK. then enjoy your cuppa.

tea is known for its mystical properties and from my own experiences talking to teabags (and other things since then, including red wine ;)) tea is extrememely sincere and practical. it bears the essence of truth and so knowing tea with your psychic ears and eyes is great for clairaudience. any psychic who sticks to coffee goes a bit insane. most psychics do drink tea. i just know it ! :D