View Full Version : Kundalini Syndrome

8th October 2016, 03:43 AM
Does the kundalini stop rising if a kundalini syndrome occure? I beleive i suffer from kundalini syndrome and is worried that the process stopped since the awakening sympthoms are gone.

8th October 2016, 05:59 AM
A Kundalini "Syndrome" taking place does not mean that your Kundalini is not in the process of ascent (often times the exact opposite is taking place , i.e a fast rapid ascent is occurring that overwhelms the body , what we call a "Surge").

Surges or Spikes can happen at any time during the Kundalini Phenomena , even to the most advanced practitioners .

Also awakening symptoms don't last a very long time (for some they can last years , but again they last an finite amount of time and disappear).If your awakening symptoms have disappeared it does not mean there's something the matter : it only means your body is making new energy pathways.

8th October 2016, 12:10 PM

8th October 2016, 12:15 PM
mention not.

9th October 2016, 07:42 AM
Kundalini may seem to be more active at some points than others, but the changes it brings seem to be permanent. The broader process it ignites seems to continue on, even if no substantial symptoms are apparent.

There seem to be "events" that occur along the way, which seem to herald sudden, pivotal changes, or evolutions in the process. But the body-mind then adapts. I've had symptoms disappear for a few years, only for the process to ramp up again years later. The terrain / perspective / symptoms continually evolve along the way. The early months seem to be the most dramatic, many changes. Staying grounded and centered is very important during the peaks. The longer haul is much less eventful, but no less interesting.

Maha Maya
8th September 2019, 10:33 AM
Does the kundalini stop rising if a kundalini syndrome occure? I beleive i suffer from kundalini syndrome and is worried that the process stopped since the awakening sympthoms are gone.
Oh well... Syndrome? Hm....
There are signs, for example...
Kampa (trembling), nidra (spiritual sleep when kundalini reaches talu-chakra), ghurni (vibrant whirling)...
When kundalini is activated, through vibration, the body becomes cold and heat is flowing down to the crown...
The stronger vibrations, the faster the wheels spin and the more dangerous this process becomes.
Because of the poisons in every chakra. I guess..

Maha Maya
8th September 2019, 12:59 PM
But the more dangerous the more interesting....
I suspect....it would be boring not to try......
but there are dangers and we need to talk about them sometimes......

very very bad things can happen...Yeah....