View Full Version : The 'archangels of Texas and California' tapping into my dream

8th October 2016, 08:10 AM
has anyone else experienced dreams where they noticed the presence of others tapping into it? I have one I'd like to discuss that involved a dream I had on my "dream island"

It's an island that I've put together and constructed over many dreams. Built in the way that every new dream seems to introduce a new piece of the island, such as a cove I've never explored before. Over time the island has goten bigger and more built out. This island has a Mediterranean/ Carribean vibe to it or I should say that one side has has a very Beilize-style beach with white shanty huts while the other side is more of a Italian or Greek style rocky coast w/ a marina. On this island I've had a number of dreams where I've often been lucid or even semi astral. For example, I remember a dream there where I once had a conversation with my higher self (a headless voice attached to the right of me) while flying over it. It's that sort of place.

So a couple of months ago, I had a dream on this island where I was walking with my son on this island from our campsite across a mile-long granite quarry we'd just discovered. At the end of the quarry we reached the seaside town on the Mediterranean side of the island. The road we came upon was a busy commercial street that lined the edge of the harbor and we started down the sidewalk that was on the hill-side of this street. The hill itself was steep and had a small park with steps and sloping sidewalks going up through it to the street above.

It was in this area where I heard a female voice from one of the higher sidewalks blurt out in a real rushed voice "I'm an arch-angel!" The way the voice was injected into the dream broke the flow of the dream and I instantly became lucid. I immediately turn my head and saw two ladies that were walking among a throng of tourists on a sidewalk a few feet away but higher up the hill. As I looked at them they physically morphed from being middle aged tourists in tourist garb to being a little taller, a little more blonde, and their outfit being more white. They had a very shocked look on their faces as if they didn't expect me to have noticed them. Becoming more lucid at this point I greeted them. The first one introduced her self as [Archangel] "Brenda of California" and the second as "[forgotten name] of Texas". Upon hearing the second name I responded "I'm not going to remember that name" and I immediately forgot hers within a second of her telling it to me. I thanked them for reaching out to me and shook their hands. After that the lucidity wore off and I went back to the normal dream.

So it was an interesting dream because I'm pretty sure they weren't really part of the "dreamscape" and had somehow tapped into it. Also I'm (more than) a little unsure that they were really archangels. I've never heard of or found a reference to any "Archangels of California or Texas" or an Archangel Brenda and to me they didn't sound very angelic. Their voices seemed very human (in both tone and inflection) rather than the high vibration calm "bell-like" voice of my guardian angel, Adral.

What I feel happened here was that these 2 ladies were astral travelers and they were tapping into people's dreams. and they were trying to see if they could get the attention of the people that were having these dreams. I suspect they had tapped into a number of dreams without successfully grabbing the attention of the dreamer. This is why I think they were so shocked when I looked at them and introduced myself. It didn't bother me at all that they were able to do that. I just find it pretty fascinating that they can do it (and that I could recognize it).

Ive had other dreams where I've felt they were tapped by others. I even feel my daughter injected herself for a brief moment into a dream I had last night. That said, it's this dream I had with the archangels that seems like the dream where the tapping was the most obvious to me.

Just wanted to post this dream to see if anyone else has had an experience where they encountered someone else tapping into their dream. Or perhaps if there is anyone who likes to do the tapping themselves!

8th October 2016, 10:05 AM
I can tap into dreams very easily and "download" them

I wrote about this here (it became a problem) : tapping into dreams. (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?14122-isnt-this-strange)

11th October 2016, 07:34 AM
That's pretty interesting. In addition to downloading, did you also speak with the dreamer?

11th October 2016, 11:54 AM
hmmm , I can , but it's non-confirmed , I mean I've talked with people while they are dreaming or while I am in their dreams , but it's not like I woke up next to them and they said "oh hey that was a 'cool' conversation".
So that way it could either be in my mind or it could actually be talking to them.

Also there's the fact that it's very hard to verify , even If were talking to someone in their dream and they remember it , they could pretty much chalk it up to "yeah but that was only a dream it wasn't real".

But while downloading the dream , I can see the dreamer and the dream-scape they have made - very clearly.