View Full Version : When AP stops

14th November 2016, 05:16 PM
Hey all,

I'm fairly certain many of you have experienced a complete "stoppage" in astral projection, so I'd like to hear what you did to get through those periods where nothing seems to trigger an exit or even bring about hints at an exit.

I haven't projected in over a year (with the exception of one lucid dream that aggravated me for an hour as I couldn't bring it to an end).

Now, I'm probably not making the most concerted effort here to get out, and my intent may be lacking, but I suspect there's more to the cessation of all this activity. Maybe it's because I'm relying on old techniques that used work but will no longer cut it?

Your thoughts are appreciated,


14th November 2016, 06:27 PM
My personal given...if you will, has been a reversal of thought...whereof is no exit...but rather is entry, and thereof entered also re-enters herein. Same Same ... One Place ... Me

Out of my mind vs mind thrown out

Beauty In 3rds http://youtu.be/NU6bPlY6hFk

Where is my mind http://youtu.be/QKqJyNnQhpI

V A C U U M http://youtu.be/VVTqW7wOEqk

14th November 2016, 07:28 PM
Hi Soulsail , well it hasn't been a year for me but just over two months and maybe that is nothing to complain about but what I don't get is how just the last week or so I'm picking up absolutely NOTHING!
No dream recall at all, no clairaudience, no clairvoyance. Complete silence.

I'm energy raising, trying to get out, silencing mind, but absolutely nothing happening or coming through which I don't get because dream recall is fairly good normally.
It's just weird to wake up to no dream recall.
I feel so frustrated when this happens and in fact leaves me feeling alone, abandoned, which I know is silly but it's like putting yourself on the 'IGNORE ' list.

And the exit nowadays is very different from how it used to be even though the preparation is still the same

I've come back here to add something I missed out that I think is very important to mention. I think Tim is spot on if I have understood.

The journey for me now is definately more inwards . More about directing me in my physical life and learning about who I am. The only Conscious projections for a while now have been in relation to my physical life. ( a well done, or. Think about this)
So it may not be the techniques not working anymore but maybe you are being encouraged to slightly alter your focus.
For me it was repeated and repeated to LOOK AND LISTEN.(the Clair's)

15th November 2016, 08:40 PM
I went through a 'dry spell' pretty much since I had a traumatic thing happen in my life- and even though I have had a few experiences, most were telling me not to pursue it-so I haven't. Since I quit trying to induce (even though for a time I hadn't thought of it that way, I just didn't feel like it), I've had at least two spontaneous projections.
So I'm thinking that for me, not doing anything but meditate was the right thing to do.

20th November 2016, 11:09 PM
I haven't been on this forum for ages, and just stumbled upon this thread more or less straight away - and it was started by my old friend, Soul Sail!

Although I went frequently to the astral until a couple of months ago, it then became extremely difficult about that time. I was told that travel and even communication with our astral teams would be difficult for quite a while. It seems that there has been a lot of interference, partially tied up with the supermoon event recently. Yes, the astral is a totally different dimension, so it is not affected in any way, but we in the physical are inevitably affected by physical conditions. I have found it difficult to meditate as I usually do. Even telepathic communication from the astral has been somehow strangely "muffled", as if listening under water.

It seems that things are beginning to return to normal. My astral teacher has said that in about two weeks things will become normal again. I am already beginning to feel that the astral is becoming more accessible again. If anyone else has felt this recently, it would be interesting to read about it.

I can't wait to "get back to work" with our beloved teams.

21st November 2016, 07:52 AM
I haven't had any kind of significant dream or "spiritual experience" in a very long time. I attribute this to the dissolution of the veil between the material world and the experiential, esoteric world. I kind of miss the strange, other-worldly visions and OBEs and what have you, but it is what it is. No going back now. Just a stage of progress on my journey, as far as I can tell.

21st November 2016, 05:54 PM
I'm too 'grounded' in a negative way by life's troubles right now. This can really keep you 'down'. At least that's my conclusion.