View Full Version : chessboarded ive raised kundalini and chose fire element

19th December 2016, 05:07 PM
i chose the fire element and im wondering if i will get kundalini psychosis again because i didnt pay for the program and it happened when i got big on clock excersises and the energy work book i had all the tax in my body done and i had one where i was a crab in the sea in a past life im just worried i might get kundalini psychosis again because i had all the strobes and fractals images and i felt like a nuclei and i got depressed but my root chakra is open now so im guessing it will raise every now and then on its own but i love feeling like a nuclei

Robert Bruce
20th December 2016, 04:27 AM
The Golden Rule is designed to help with progress.

Stop and take a break when things get rough or you feel out of control.

Return to your exercises when you feel completely normal again.

This is like body building. Burn out your muscles, then take a week off to let them heal and grow larger. Then go back to the weights.

It is always helpful to get a checkup with an experienced psychologist.

peace, robert

2nd January 2017, 02:49 PM
thanks robert