View Full Version : Inconsistency with other authors

The Poet
2nd January 2017, 09:03 PM
I'm reading Astral Dynamics for the first time. I have previously read the works of Bob Monroe, William Buhlman and Michael Newton. I have a doubt regarding what we percibe in the astral. You mention in the book that there's especial place for spirits to recover or rest from the physical world, some kind of hospital with doctors and nurses. You also say that you don't believe there is an actual hospital "floating" in the astral, that it's our perception of the energies, conditioned by our beliefs, thoughts, etc.
However William Buhlman and Robert Monroe say that this places are created by human minds in the out of body state and they resemblence physical places so the spirits find comfort in a familiar place. (I remember in Bob's last book, Ultimate Journey, that he explains, for example, doctors usually end up in clinics or hospitals because they are very familiar places to them)
William Buhlman also says that there are "consensus realities" wich are energies constructed by spirits in the astral that are consistent and permanent and that every religion or belief has its own place (Bob called them "Belief System Territories").

So are this places our interpretation of the energies, or are actual places or consensus realities created by the inhabitants of the astral?

Robert Bruce
3rd January 2017, 02:30 AM
All of these explanations for astral realms are true in a sense, as they are all saying the same thing in a slightly different way

It is probably more accurate to say that astral realms are creations of the collective unconscious.


The Poet
3rd January 2017, 03:25 PM
Thank you Robert for your response!

I have more questions regarding other authors. Bob Monroe mentions the Park which is a place where spirits go to decide what to do next (reincarnate, reunite with loved ones, etc.). I thought all projectors ended up there eventually, and as you didn't mention this place it worries me that there isn't objective stable places in the astral and that it is all made up by our minds (like lucid dreaming).

In the other hand, have you read Michael Newton's books about past life and life between life regresion? Some things are consistent with what you say in the books, but there are other things which are different.