View Full Version : Energy work under LED = easier

13th January 2017, 01:10 AM
I have scars on the face so I need to do LED therapy to help them heal. So today my doctor put my face under this machine :
https://www.google.com/search?q=led+machine&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjP3cLh8b3RAhWDVhoKHQ9aBm8Q_AUICCgB#tbm= isch&q=face+led+machine

Since she said I would be under for 20 minutes, I said to myself why not try to practice new.... and to my great surprise it was the best and the easiest session I ever had.
Stiring, brushing, sponging everything was very easy. Even the blocked part were more receptive to my actions.
It was like the light supported my effort. At the end I even felt sub navel cramping.

The led of the lamp were yellow and red but because of the protection glasses they looked orange and green to me. Orange is a good energizing color.
I don't know what really helped, I think that color and light did a good job together.

13th January 2017, 03:43 PM
I have a small led device with red blue yellow and green light. I didn't put the protection glasses to see the real color. So far I didn't like the red to me it feel heavy, yellow is nice, blue is good but to strong effect, green is good too. I will buy led ribbon a glue them on a carton I think it will work the same. I think that I experiment have something to do with phosphenism. I need to collect more information.

14th January 2017, 02:41 AM
Sound very interesting. Keep us updated with what u find out