View Full Version : kundalini twin energies

30th March 2017, 02:58 AM
Hi Robert

Its a great pleasure to be able to communicate with you online. I have a question about kundalini, i have watched a number of your you tube videos about when you begin to describe your first or initial kundalini rising/experience. Now before i ask my question it requires a quick explanation or an experience i had about 3 years ago. i was lying in bed using an astral projection technique which i no longer use, it consisted of "tricking the body to sleep" i had been experiencing very mystical experiences prior which i will not divulge here as i do not want to make this too long. while trying to evoke the previous experience, i encountered something unexpected, from the lower part of my body i experienced a "high energy event" as which can only be described as Twin energies or dual energies beginning rise and they would inter loop and meet at certain intervals (EXACTLY as kundalini is depicted, or the caduceus) it continued to rise as my sense of awareness was within the energies and travelling with it. It continued through the top of my skull or crown centre and extended 4-5 metres directly out something akin to an obe i was lying down awake and conscious throughout the experience. it was a very high energy event, almost physical in a way. i should also add i have spontaneous astral projections and i have been experiencing much mystical phenomena since the age of 16 now well into my 20's

Cut long story short, the motion of the twin energies was exactly the same as the intertwining serpents of kundalini even the tops of the energy where oval shaped something like snake heads, not so long after when i would go to sleep i would hear loud hissing sounds been thrown into my head when i would try to sleep, which was alarming at the time, when i close my eyes i see purple static and snake heads i also see typical grey alien. And i have never heard in all my research about anyone experiencing it exactly as it is depicted. I have great respect for you bruce and you have been an invaluable source of information for me on my journey, and your insight and opinion would prove invaluable for me. would this be kundalini rising? three years ago when the event happened, i knew nothing of kundalini.

6th April 2017, 04:23 PM
Robert answered (in email, I'm not sure if you got it, so I'm reprinting it) "This is kundalini, yes. But I have never heard of it happening in this way. There are several ways kundalini can rise, so I guess this is one of them. I'd be interested in hearing a more detailed version of your experiences."

7th April 2017, 03:20 AM
Robert answered (in email, I'm not sure if you got it, so I'm reprinting it) "This is kundalini, yes. But I have never heard of it happening in this way. There are several ways kundalini can rise, so I guess this is one of them. I'd be interested in hearing a more detailed version of your experiences."

Thank you CFTraveler, he replied in the section "kundalini questions" as I reposted the question in that section. I also responded to Robert, explaining a more detailed version of events.