View Full Version : For those Lightbeings Here who seek purity through fear.

12th April 2017, 06:09 PM
Clarification: For those Lightbeings Here who seek purity through their* fear.

Hey, Song-Singer.

Hey, Life! Hey, Void.

Your song, your silence, don't too-long avoid. <3

Fear gums the works; Fear makes for long-longing.

Don't delay too long in your Silence and sing-songing. :)

Your song is your Light,

The Light is in You.

And nobody but You can be truer-than-true.

* * * *

For all who seek the Silence and Clear Light who are beset with obstacles, written in honor of the playful style of Dr. Seuss.

You are Me

and We

Stand purifying All-That-Is.


Blessed and loved, Be.
