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View Full Version : The journal of Genesis' out of body experiences

4th July 2017, 07:04 AM
I've decided to keep a journal of my out of body experiences. I've been quite inactive during the last few years because of a very busy schedule, but I've decided to start again.

I'm currently not actively trying to project. I medidate and do energy work every day because I wish to develop the energy body mostly. I'm still interested in exploring the other planes, so any projection that happens are always welcome.

- Today:

Did 15~20 minutes of energy work and went to sleep. I used an affirmation and told myself I would project. I ended up projecting at some point during the night for a very brief moment. I gained consciousness and realized I was projecting. I looked at my hands and noticed they were "melting" or disappearing.

I decided I'd explore a bit. I saw my window and went flying and tried to pass through it. For some reason, this ended my OBE and I woke up. I then simply went back to sleep.

My projections always seem to end whenever I try to get out of my house. Hopefully I'll be able to explore more in the future.

4th July 2017, 07:20 AM
Pleased you've got your motivation back Genesis. Get stuck in there and do'nt give up.

6th July 2017, 12:25 AM
Thank you Susan! I'll do my best to stick with it. I'd like to do at least 1 year of daily energy work to see the progress I'll make.

6th July 2017, 02:55 AM
Thank you Susan! I'll do my best to stick with it. I'd like to do at least 1 year of daily energy work to see the progress I'll make.

Wishing you well Genesis, happy & fun times with your daily energy work for the next year, much success :heart:

11th July 2017, 06:20 AM
Thanks newfreedom!

Had some odd dreams last night. Not a OBE but thought it was interesting.

I had a dream within a dream. I don't remember the details however. I also had a dream where I was crying intensely. A couple family members were around asking me why I was crying, but I replied that I had no idea. I was crying hard for no apparent reason. I woke up feeling as if I had actually cried, which I thought was pretty interesting. I wonder what triggers such dreams.

31st July 2017, 10:16 AM
your energy body is happy (ultimatum is met), but you have a doubt... is spirituality about love?
i don't mean to be a prick, but, it won't take anybody a whole year to answer the above question.......................... up to u.:loveyou: