View Full Version : wierd thing about NEW

18th August 2017, 02:31 PM
it's 2 months that I've started NEW and I practice almost every day.

I was super scared of OBEs and Lucid dreaming ... It's about 5 years that I am practicing meditation and listening to binaural beats and every time My energy body starts to vibration I avoid to continue because of FEAR !

Last night I had a dream which I saw a man who was raping women many times ! I was so angry of him so I chased him in the dark streets and caught him then attacked him ... he turned his face to me and started to shift his shape to an awful demon right in front of me:| ( shape shifting was the most horror thing to me when seeing horror movies!:?) but i did not scared and attacked him again to kill him...and then suddenly I woke up in the midnight in my bed ...After waking up I was not scared but having the feeling of bravery :clap:

Honesty I am not afraid of even appearing ghosts or souls anymore... I feel I am brave now... I have strength !

so I wanted to share this experience to you that I think THE FEAR is a very very big problem to all spiritual practitionairs and wanted to know what are your experiences about the psychological benefits of NEW?

20th August 2017, 08:55 PM
NEW has helped me to be present. I used to 'live in my head' and although was constantly criticized for it (and it caused me untold agony) I didn't quite know what to do about it. Up till then, meditation for me was just another way to live in my head, except that it seemed to have wider approval. When I learned tactile awareness I then experienced presence for the first time, without any effort, and for that I thank Robert, he has no idea how beneficial it was for me.

21st August 2017, 07:43 PM
Last night I was dreaming about something happy that I forgot it after waking up ... during the dream I wanted to clap... that moment I spontaneously wake up clapping with my ENERGY BODY ! I couldn't believe it and was a little scared ! Because I even hear my energy body's hands clapping !
so this should be one of the advantages of NEW! ... Energy body !