View Full Version : is there such thing as natural occuring moles RB ??

28th September 2017, 07:54 PM
i have had moles when i was a little kid. I didn't have negs until later date in life but i had skeletons from the underworld in my old house as a kid.

I am high high frequency now but i still have moles

28th September 2017, 10:37 PM
sacral center... just ordinary family issues, not trauma at this time but you might be an identity deeper than normal. takes proper practice of course i think they call that "salvation"... which is also normal
your crown center wants to know god/goddess infinitely. getting close by the looks...
everything else is clear and perfect to mine eye.

u do kundalini?

Robert Bruce
29th September 2017, 07:04 AM
I explain this in my book, The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook.

Yes, there are naturally occurring and harmless moles. Think of them as each being connected to tiny jellyfish type non physical creatures. Harmless as the barnacles on a ship's hull.

However, the only way to tell if they are harmless or not is to test them by marking them with blue ballpoint ink, applying magnets, etc.

Most neg attachment moles appear during childhood, just like pregnancy is a common time for women to get moles.


29th September 2017, 02:38 PM
you should donate mole removal to science Dear RB

i must of forgotten about natural moles in PSSD. It was such a long time ago i must of forgotten about what you wrote in that section of the book

Robert Bruce
30th September 2017, 05:21 AM
The problem is, even if I am giving it away, which I am, that this is just too weird for anyone to want to look at it. LOL.

I recommend you get the latest version of PPSD. The 2nd Edition is way better than the original.

peace, robert

30th September 2017, 06:46 AM
I recommend you get the latest version of PPSD. The 2nd Edition is way better than the original.

Robert I am 75% neg free not all parts of me are high high frequency I am trying to get rid of my voices threw raising vibration

However in you 2nd edition you would probably speck of frequency raising, I know it's coming

good job for making it, the book. I peeked at the book on amazon it looks really cleaver. Especially saying it's a survival guide

in your 2nd edition you should talk about surviving the influence of voices they are like negs too Robert

30th September 2017, 08:29 PM
i am surprised i have never heard about your new books. I couldn't find it on your astral dynamics website

you should advertise your new books in on the forum

Robert Bruce
1st October 2017, 07:09 AM
I have had a lot of success with reducing symptoms of sz and 'voices' through dietary changes. EG., removing wheat and dairy from diet.

What is the nature of the voices you hear?

There are both good and bad voices.


Robert I am 75% neg free not all parts of me are high high frequency I am trying to get rid of my voices threw raising vibration

However in you 2nd edition you would probably speck of frequency raising, I know it's coming

good job for making it, the book. I peeked at the book on amazon it looks really cleaver. Especially saying it's a survival guide

in your 2nd edition you should talk about surviving the influence of voices they are like negs too Robert

2nd October 2017, 03:45 AM
i use to have positive voices for a first few years. When i was 16 years old now i am 29 years old now. 13 years later with voices now. They were my best friends ever. They open doors to my mind mimicking the effect of marijuana so I haven't had the need to smoke marijuana pretty much for like 13 years.. I would drink alcohol and close my eyes and have the time of my life because of the Stoney effect of these doors or these windows. It's called psychic windows or psychic doors. You probably mention in in one of your new books. Anyway later in life i will get the angels to open these doors to my customize in my like-ing. Modify my psychic system

I’ve had ““ashtar alien mind angel voices,, at one point””, together I’ve had Aunt Clairs exorcism group voices not for long. Reece my dark pot head friend and few dark female friends- voices. I think I am hostage on a different dimension that’s the reason for having bad voices later date in life. I think you should talk about psychic self-defense in your new book defense against voices. Raising frequency on this level effects all other levels. That’s what I have been told by my shaman lady that I work with. The New Age church believes that voices are spirits telepathically talking to me, while psychiatrically labeled as a chemical imbalance. I am prematurely clairvoyant I can see my light body like It’s there. Sometimes I see angels only for like 1.to 5 seconds(meeting the angels halfway)”” vibrationally”” I know I will get rid of voices threw the thread healing schizophrenia and the great white secret thread it's a matter of time.

I have had angels singing non physical implant on a mental level connecting the angel orcastra voice too positive physical music. That gave me a idea how it’s like in heaven.

It’s pretty much the same typical of voices every time sometimes I get visitors they only come in for a short period and they are complete-ly different types and short lived

2nd October 2017, 03:55 AM
Me schizophrenic also.I hear from people i know in real life as well. I don't have a delusion anymore, the belief in god for an athiest i supposed could be called the original problem. I can completely destroy the souls of my voices but then i have to forgive it like it didn't happen, coz like, there is no way these people are actually say/doing these things in my mind. Key is for me is to break or cripple these sick voices THEN give them compassion. Half the time they are being good and telling me secrets, guiding me, and half the time they are on a sick power trip to see if i'm too meek or some such nonsense. Ah well, what doesn't kill me make me stronger. The only belief society allows is salvation, that's what annoys me. But I can see that if people weren't judge for it there would be a lot of ugly stuff happening in our society. So I am "wending" my thoughts-beliefs to my salvation in the hope that will clear up the past and future too. The Great White Secret was handy but i am already neutral and can't do it any longer. I am mending ties with my angels now hopefully... l.o.t.n. fallen angels can be a real pain in the bom, maybe that is why you are not quite interfacing with their names yet. anyway cheers olyris

2nd October 2017, 04:26 AM
olyris I know allot of psychiatric patients are having genuine spiritual experiences but are locked up on meds and brainwashed by atheism.

My shaman lady I worked with would work allot of people in the mental health

I failed Robert Bruce I couldn't survive the negs in society I ended up on psychiatric medication however it was a blessing under diskize because it gave me room to work on raising my vibration. Giving really good neg relief numbing me from psychic attacks.. I am pretty much neg free now. I get dreams but they are just more disoriented the effects of medication comparing to normal people. so I can tell if I am having a psychic attack or not. Pretty much most of the time I am clean of negs most of the time by my dreaming history

When I astral project I can't produce enough consciousness to manafacture a out of body exit. But there are no negs there just at the birth of a projection double body

2nd October 2017, 08:24 PM
olyris you sound quite confused when you are typing on the forums I notice. You should try take some extra niacin with your anti psychotics and see if you thinking can become much much clearer.

I know when I lower my medication my thinking too is confused as well. That's why I will replace it with niacin. I know the medication has permanently modified my brain especially the concoction of tobacco and anti-psychotics

ruining my chemistry for 6-7 years

I am smoke free now to hold a higher frequency now but in the past i was a smoker

3rd October 2017, 01:44 AM
I've always found olyris' posts as clearly brilliant and easily understood. :thumbsup:

Robert Bruce
4th October 2017, 11:14 AM
Did your voices start when you started smoking MJ? Many people have had a similar experience, and some on the very first joint.

Have you ever tried say a month on an organic diet?


i use to have positive voices for a first few years. When i was 16 years old now i am 29 years old now. 13 years later with voices now. They were my best friends ever. They open doors to my mind mimicking the effect of marijuana so I haven't had the need to smoke marijuana pretty much for like 13 years.. I would drink alcohol and close my eyes and have the time of my life because of the Stoney effect of these doors or these windows. It's called psychic windows or psychic doors. You probably mention in in one of your new books. Anyway later in life i will get the angels to open these doors to my customize in my like-ing. Modify my psychic system

I’ve had ““ashtar alien mind angel voices,, at one point””, together I’ve had Aunt Clairs exorcism group voices not for long. Reece my dark pot head friend and few dark female friends- voices. I think I am hostage on a different dimension that’s the reason for having bad voices later date in life. I think you should talk about psychic self-defense in your new book defense against voices. Raising frequency on this level effects all other levels. That’s what I have been told by my shaman lady that I work with. The New Age church believes that voices are spirits telepathically talking to me, while psychiatrically labeled as a chemical imbalance. I am prematurely clairvoyant I can see my light body like It’s there. Sometimes I see angels only for like 1.to 5 seconds(meeting the angels halfway)”” vibrationally”” I know I will get rid of voices threw the thread healing schizophrenia and the great white secret thread it's a matter of time.

I have had angels singing non physical implant on a mental level connecting the angel orcastra voice too positive physical music. That gave me a idea how it’s like in heaven.

It’s pretty much the same typical of voices every time sometimes I get visitors they only come in for a short period and they are complete-ly different types and short lived

4th October 2017, 07:59 PM
I smoked mj a few dozen times.

Robert Bruce i am on a high frequency diet i am very careful what i eat. I eat anything that is organic. I've been on organics for a few years now.

mj is a psychic herb. However I don't recommend it because it got me into allot of trouble with getting voices. I think mj opened me up to getting voices robert bruce

5th October 2017, 10:20 AM
i have been thinking, schizophrenia could be a case of simply "not wanting in," regarding life on planet earth. they talk of a failure in the emotional connection with the mother. you find yourself in a family, school, taking drugs and you don't even know if you want to be there. so, i have been wanting various parts of my life lately, like the house i am in, my new cat in fact most of this scenario which is geared to fix my mental health... however, there are parts of my life like old friendships, playing cricket etc that i have found were not wanted... they were lessons instead. the alienated self in these experiences is most unique, there is a rainbow beneath all the shades of grey in the unwanted times. that's what makes me different but that's what i have to come to terms with. which is rewarding.

l.o.t.n. my nurse said to take niacin and folate which are in breakfast muffins. only problem is i am on a low carb diet so its a bit impossible. i drink alcohol and coke most days though i think that is the real reason i am a little unclear for now. check out my post on the 4 different types of negs to see how coffee, tea, beer and wine drinking can be positive when dealing with voices. grin

5th October 2017, 07:08 PM
i have been thinking, schizophrenia could be a case of simply "not wanting in," regarding life on planet earth. they talk of a failure in the emotional connection with the mother.


That 'WAS' exactly "it", but being as past tence...get in the NOW present moment/grooVe. Can you Abelli dig that the seed are ever sown to within the fertile furrow, even planted/covered/hilled up twain ... to either flowing side the irrigating waters...same same? One


The greatest of these is Love, for to within the weakness, grace sufficient ... strengthens.


As you intimate, acceptance of 'as you are'. A rainbow is a curvature, ergo eliminate 2D representations squaring/cornering you. No squares in the round, no knight moves. More so you came through the mother, even as from the mother you appeared. The mother ever IS within you az origin/umm, even as within her you throughing her were. Peace.

Pure Worship

Pontius Pilate, what is truth?

7th October 2017, 12:26 AM
in all experiences it can be found that lessons are the only things that evolve... the theory that each and every were created perfect.
but humans do something else too. they don't just learn but they teach. anything can happen out of that, except pain. i was teaching charisma or the perfect mystery (what is it?) at those times i wanted not in. will reconnect with this person i was. cheers timothy.

7th October 2017, 11:28 AM
in all experiences it can be found that lessons are the only things that evolve... the theory that each and every were created perfect.
but humans do something else too. they don't just learn but they teach. anything can happen out of that, except pain. i was teaching charisma or the perfect mystery (what is it?) at those times i wanted not in. will reconnect with this person i was. cheers timothy.

Hi olyris,
I might misunderstand you so I wish you to elaborate more on this topic...I will ask you if it is something what I feel to be a truth for me...that I was very arrogant Before I incarnated into this Life....I was asked what I want to attain..I said...I take it all....they where hesitant and asked if I really can take so much...and I said very cofidently....YES....I did not know at all and I am reminded several times that this was my own want...I did not know how hard it is to be human...I did not understand how evil many humans are and how they do so much harm in others Lifes....that not all who are in human form is yet humans...they are very much beasts.....still.....and I wonder if everyone want to become humans at all??


7th October 2017, 07:42 PM
Robert you should collect all the information on the astral dynamics forums and add it to your books:heart:

Robert Bruce
8th October 2017, 07:43 AM

I have known several people over the years that, the very first joint they had, they woke up in the psyche ward a few months later saying WTF just happened? So, yes, agreed, in some people MJ can open doorways.


I smoked mj a few dozen times.

Robert Bruce i am on a high frequency diet i am very careful what i eat. I eat anything that is organic. I've been on organics for a few years now.

mj is a psychic herb. However I don't recommend it because it got me into allot of trouble with getting voices. I think mj opened me up to getting voices robert bruce

8th October 2017, 01:08 PM
Hi olyris,
I might misunderstand you so I wish you to elaborate more on this topic...I will ask you if it is something what I feel to be a truth for me...that I was very arrogant Before I incarnated into this Life....I was asked what I want to attain..I said...I take it all....they where hesitant and asked if I really can take so much...and I said very cofidently....YES....I did not know at all and I am reminded several times that this was my own want...I did not know how hard it is to be human...I did not understand how evil many humans are and how they do so much harm in others Lifes....that not all who are in human form is yet humans...they are very much beasts.....still.....and I wonder if everyone want to become humans at all??


Yes I too needed humanising, quite the beast I was. I try not to call the world "good" or "bad," that way it is more likely to be "divine." The world doesn't know innocent money yet, but it's getting there. The ultimate truth appears to be, if you let people happiness they'll be good. But if you let people power, they'll be monsters. Balancing upon that knife-edge is enlightenment. Among the many are the few...

8th October 2017, 01:22 PM
Yes I too needed humanising, quite the beast I was. I try not to call the world "good" or "bad," that way it is more likely to be "divine." The world doesn't know innocent money yet, but it's getting there. The ultimate truth appears to be, if you let people happiness they'll be good. But if you let people power, they'll be monsters. Balancing upon that knife-edge is enlightenment. Among the many are the few...

olyris...:heart:...Yes...I nod in agreement...so true...


8th October 2017, 07:34 PM
I have known several people over the years that, the very first joint they had, they woke up in the psyche ward a few months later saying WTF just happened? So, yes, agreed, in some people MJ can open doorways.

I disagree marijuana grounds people into reality creating the in moment experience for most. It is mention in the echart tolle books the same state. It may appear as a hallucination slowing down time but it's not. People experience slow time. It may appear as a hallucination but actually its natural state that can be triggered by marijuana. It might actually be bad memory advancing to the next joint advancing advancing. Creating forgetfulness over doing marijuana which leads to ending up on a psych ward.

^^ it's a thoery

or it could be something else such as possession as an example or something else

to really find out what really happend the divine would know threw the angels robert