View Full Version : Preventing psychic attacks caused by ruminating

2nd October 2017, 04:09 AM
Hey everybody
What do you do if you catch yourself ruminating so that you do not unintentionally cause a psychic attack? At what point would a psychic attack happen?
Sometimes I am almost afraid to have negative emotions or even think of someone when I am hurt or offended because I don't want to unintentionally psychic attack anyone.
I always make it a priority to see from the other perspective and try my best not to judge. I usually end up dismissing my emotions and focusing my energy on distracting myself just so I can stop thinking about it. Doesn't seem to help. Sometimes I keep seeing an image of the person popping up in my head.
Not sure if I am overreacting. Just want to know what I can do on my end so when this ever happens I can make sure I am not negatively affecting anyone.

2nd October 2017, 06:56 PM
I only worry about psychically attacking someone if I am very angry. And if I catch myself being angry, I get back to center, remember that I'm 'here' (in the world) by 'divine appointment', and re-tool my thoughts, by affirmations, if necessary.

5th October 2017, 10:06 AM
simply don't think wrong of people in the first place.... that is what i do. apparently that is satan's hard line on the matter or so my spirit voices are saying.
that way any feelings are not unkind energies.

29th October 2017, 02:03 AM
I only worry about psychically attacking someone if I am very angry. And if I catch myself being angry, I get back to center, remember that I'm 'here' (in the world) by 'divine appointment', and re-tool my thoughts, by affirmations, if necessary.

true , what happens in occult practice is that you are easily on edge at the smallest perception of a "wrong idea" or incoming negative vibes , and this happens a lot over time one has to learn to either dismiss it or learn to silence your opponents

most of the time it's all in your head but worrisome never the less.